Books We Resonate With
Any recommendation on this page is to be considered with your own discernment. We recommend books based on our knowing at the time that we recommend.
Casey Gervig & Gage Gorman books, books written by us - Click Here to Access
Worldbridger by Juliet and Jiva Carter
The Template workbook by Juliet and Jiva Carter
Nikola Tesla - Anything
Walter and Lao Russell - Anything
Ramtha and JZ Knight - Anything
Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield
Peaceful Warrior by Dan Millman
Light on Yoga - BKS Iyengar
The Law of One (Ra Material) 5 Books
Potentially compromised
The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho
Conversations with God by Neale Donald Walsch 3 Books
Potentially compromised
Gods of the New Millennium by Alan F. Alford
The Ancient Secrets of the Flower of Life by Drunvalo Melchizedek
Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself by Dr. Joe Dispenza
Evolve your Brain by Joe Dispenza
Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda
Life and Teachings of the Masters of the Far East by Baird T. Spalding (available from DeVorss Publications
A Course in Miracles
The Book of Knowledge - The Keys of Enoch
The Emerald Tablet of Hermes
Play of Consciousness by Swami Muktananda
The Hathor Material
Blacks Law Dictionaries (1-11 editions)
You Can Heal Your Life by Louise L Hay
Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff by Richard Carlson
Light Medicine by Ana Maria Mihalcea
Between Death and Life by Dolares Cannon
A Year Without Food by Ray Maor (
Harry Potter series (I enjoyed these books)
Lord of the Rings series
Guide to Annihilate your Opponents in Astral Warfare by Darlington Moses - Click here to access.