Writings - Articles & Blogs

These writings are dedicated to those embarked on their sacred journey of self-mastery, shared in a spirit of peace and neutrality. To aid in navigating the temporal context of these teachings, each piece is dated, offering a glimpse into the space-time continuum from which they emerged. Spanning years, this collection encompasses a broad spectrum of articles and blogs, each a reflection of various stages of learning and insight.

We invite you to take a moment to scroll through the entire page on your first visit; the volume of content is substantial. Allow yourself to be guided by your intuition to where your journey should begin. Should a particular article or blog not resonate with you, feel free to move on. The diversity in topics and depth of study ensures there is something for every seeker, regardless of where you find yourself on the path to enlightenment.

Articles and Research - Writings

Truth About Society - Writings

[The "Truth About Society" articles aim to illuminate the realities of what has transpired in the 3D and 4D worlds, using the past tense to acknowledge the transformative changes underway. This information is shared to foster learning, growth, and expanded awareness. Recognizing the truth liberates us from the constraints of ignorance, allowing us to extend our love and light towards those who, knowingly or unknowingly, contribute to adversities.

We encourage inquiries for the sake of understanding and learning. However, it's important to clarify that our intention is not to engage in debates or defend the perspectives presented. Our goal is to share insights that we have identified as genuine and true up to the point of publication. Given the rapid evolution of our current time, space, and reality, these writings are poised to become historical accounts, offering a lens through which future generations can comprehend the events of our era.

Numerous sharings were deleted from this section- fyi]