Other’s we have Resonated with at a Time
We are aligned with the mastery of self, the vessel/body self and not needing anything from the external environment. This self mastery is a journey and along this journey these are teachings and sharings of others we have played with in the matrix and have found useful in our [ad]venture in this matrix.
Any recommendation on this page is to be considered with your own discernment. We recommend people and their organizations based on our knowing at the time that we recommend. We do not know every teaching of any of the recommendations and thus do not 100% endorse or recommend anyone or anything. We find resonance of assistance with some of the sharing mentioned in recommendations, but rarely do we agree 100% with another.
We encourage discernment for yourself, with these recommendations.
Information We Resonated With at Some Nodal Point in our Journey:
We state the people for which we personally know versus others who we resonate with some of their sharings and gifts.
The Template - Ceremonies with Sacred Geometry - Aligning DNA We personally know Jiva and Juliet. We have incorporated our own version of many of the teachings of the template. We have attended in person, ceremonies 1-6 numerous times in Mount Shasta and ceremonies 7-16 one time in Glastonbury. We utilize numbers geometry pieces in our ceremony practices in session and the wizards club academy. We incorporate visual and audio integrations through code and transcendence experience of shapes and sounds to allow shifts which align clarity of self.
Creating a High Vibe Life - Music Convert 440 hz to 432 hz (Leticia provide us with a free copy of her 440 hz to 432 hz convert. She sells these converters on her website). I have found this to be helpful to transform the music to an easier state to experience.
Dr. Robert Morse N.D., D.Sc., M.H.- Clean Healthy Body - We do not know Dr. Morse personally. We have found Dr. Morse’s teachings to be fantastic for cleaning the physical vessel/body. He has many videos online, groups on social media, products for sale and workshops for learning the vessel/body accurately for the physical plane.
Micheila Sheldan - Intuitive Channeler - We have not met Micheila in person. We have listened and watched some of her material and have found we have resonated with much of it.
Jordan Sather - Destroying the Illusion - Authentic News! - We have not met Jordan in person. I like Jordan for 3D journalism. I experience Jordan to be one who, if he is presenting something, he has solid evidence to back it up. He is raw and deeply authentic - so he has many enemies to want to make him look fake. I feel he is authentic.
Dr. Joe Dispenza - Learning about Mind & Body - We have not interacted with Joe directly. We have read and experienced his teachings, books, lectures and workshops personally and have found these teachings to have some alignment with our perceptions of reality.
Ray Maor - Spiritual Teacher - We attended our breatharian initiation with Ray and 17 others on the Big Island of Hawaii in July of 2017 (Gregorian Calendar) Breatharian Initiation. We enjoyed our experience with Ray and found our experience wonderful. We recommend Ray for those interested in the Breatharian journey. We (EIE) offer 1-1 to a maximum of 4 souls for an initiation at a price that matches the smaller group experience in Mount Shasta or online. Ray offers larger groups, multiple locations and online options at a price that is more available for the masses. Ray continuously updates his website with new initiations and breatharian meet and greets and additional sources and teachings for breatharians and living a conscious life.