Breath and Focus - Level 1-3 (PDF)
Breath and Focus - Level 1-3 (PDF)
Taking control of the breath is taking control of the mind.
When the breath is on autopilot the mind is free to wander through its endless chatter, but when one takes control of the breath, the chatter stops instantly.
When the chatter stops, one is able to focus with divine soul and integrate breath into more spaces of the mind and the body.
Practice focusing the mind on one thought, a single thought, and repeating that single thought in repetition. An example. Say “apple” and visualize an apple. Focus on an apple. Do the best self can to not let anything else, no thought, no image other than apple into the mind space. Practice this in combination with the breath.
— This course is a 2 item purchase. This is for the 2 page document.
This course is best experienced with the audio file. This course is a 2 item purchase. 1 item the 2 page document and another item a 25 minute m4a audio file.