Shed The Layers Over Your Divine-Radiance (As A Tool With DNOTS Course)

Shed Layers Over Divine-Radiance Thumbnail.png
Shed Layers Over Divine-Radiance Thumbnail.png

Shed The Layers Over Your Divine-Radiance (As A Tool With DNOTS Course)


Title: Shed the layers over your divine-radiance

Overview: This guide is designed to serve both as a comprehensive standalone resource and as an enriching companion to the Dark Night of the Soul (DNOTS) course, including its book and video materials. It delves into the various veils that obscure our inherent divine radiance, offering insights on how to peel back these layers to reveal our true essence. At its core, this guide reaffirms our identity as divine beings, unalterable and eternal. It addresses the turmoil and distractions that disconnect us from our divinity, distinguishing between the persona we present to the world and our genuine self. Through this guide, you will learn to both consciously and subconsciously navigate and control these layers, bridging the gap between your inner divinity and the outward identity you project.

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Format: PDF

Length / Pages: 17 Pages

Best experience in conjunction with the DNOTS course or after completing the DNOTS course.