[Written By: Gage Gorman
I will assume we’ve all heard the saying, money runs the world; though did you know that we each have the power to change this saying, by our beliefs and actions?
Money has become so strong in the business model that people, love, authenticity, integrity and most values of humanity have been pushed aside for profits and greed. Now, this may sound like a strong and ugly statement to make, though most often the hardest truths appear ugly at first. The reason I say at first is because we are either afraid or ashamed to admit our world of exchange and business is out of balance, so we would rather pretend the ugliness is non existent or we tell ourselves a different story to help fool ourselves into feeling better about this ugly statement.
Examples of things we may tell ourselves to feel better about money, exchange and business: Money makes the world go round. I need money to survive. I have kids to feed. I need a home to live and that takes money. It’s a dog eat dog world out there. I deserve to have money. To each their own. It’s been hard for me, I deserve this. We've got to work hard to have prosperity and we've been led to believe that prosperity is money (which may not be true to you "authentically"). Survival of the fittest (Today the focus is mainly on Darwin's Origin of Species. But in the 828 page sequel in which he tells us he will now deal with human evolution, The Descent of Man, Darwin writes only twice of “survival of the fittest,” but 95 times of love. He writes of selfishness 12 times, but 92 times of moral sensitivity. Of competition 9 times, but 24 times of mutuality and mutual aid.). We we "choose" to hold onto and speak and share and believe is what our world is going to continue to look like and be, this is why the change will come from each one of us, individually.
I believe most of us can see that humanity and the way we are living is not working for the collective of humanity and for our planet. There are many pieces to this puzzle of who, what, where, when and why, and you can read more in other articles I’ve written. Our awareness to how we share and spread our energy is a big player in how our world has worked, is working and will work. As money is currently a big part of how we exchange with one another, we place a lot of energy, life force and power into money, thus how we feel and think of money creates energy and impacts more than just our exchange, it also includes how we spend it and how we earn it. If we have lower vibrational energies when we earn and spend money, then we are spreading those same lower vibrational energies. What are lower vibrational energies? Greed, fear, envy, anger, anxiety, need; those are a few. We may think that we don’t have an impact, but that is farthest from the truth, you, yes you, have a great impact. Our world exists in the collective of each one of our energies. This is why so many want access to you and to influence you in their way.
We can change everything and anything. The only way change will come is by us changing and taking a conscious stand for ourselves. And one thing we can do is become a conscious consumer.
What is a conscious consumer? Mindfulness. Examples from my perspective.
When I am buying a product, I try to buy in person. I try to buy small business, even if it cost a little more (I am mindful not to be taken advantage of), I am aware of how much empowerment an employee has - I will often purposely ask questions to see if the human-being I am interacting with is pleasant, authentic, aware, enjoys their employment, etc.
I support with my energy businesses that treat their employees lovingly.
Is the product good? How is the product sources? Is the sourcing renewable?
Marketing? Is their marketing authentic or is it smoke and mirrors full of deceit and lies? I support businesses that are honest. For example I noticed this marketing trend with two businesses I used to support, I say used to because of this marketing trend, which I wrote the businesses and never received a reply. The marketing was “you asked and we listened”. Well I didn’t ask for what they were emailing me about. Why did that say that? Because I know how the brain works, oh and so do they; and it’s deceitful. Now a better marketing, if it is honest would be, some asked or many asked and we listened and we thought you could be interested too. Now that is more honest, as long as some did ask.
Companies consumed with growth over integrity. What’s the race for with growth? Is there a prize for the biggest company and most money? There is because many worship money and size, though if we each start making a change to support small businesses, support companies that are honest with us, support companies with empowered and happy employees - then we will see a change from growth to honesty and integrity in business. Now, I’m not saying some healthy small growth is not good or helpful, but there is “balance”.
The conscious consumer has a lot of power. Those who tell you otherwise are lying to you. If we don’t buy what they are selling then they don’t remain in business. And you’d be amazed at how little you need and want when you start to break free from the consumer mania. ]