[Received By: Gage Gorman
Our experience here is a mass illusion for which we are testing ourselves to see if we can remember who we are. We are beings of love and light and we’re here to heal from our past incarnations of succumbing to the illusion and creating darkness. We have created this dark illusion for which we are also the victims of in the now.
Our way out of the illusion is through our inner journey of our light source, inside of us. Everything outside of us is drenched in riddles of just enough authenticity to keep us convinced the illusion is real. The illusion is currently fractured and is breaking down and the veil between who we are and what we see is thinning, are you awake enough to see it?
There is more truth of our authentic selves in fiction than non-fiction. If you can imagine something, then it is more real than unreal. As our thoughts and feelings are creation. Want to have a more blissful experience in this illusion of ours, then awaken to your inner self. Take off the glasses of deception you’ve created because you are so ashamed of the darkness you’ve created, in this world. Take responsibility for your darkness you’ve created. Yes, you, as we are all one. We are all fractals of the same one source and creator. We are constantly creating our collective reality through our thoughts and feelings. We created a darkness so strong and thick that it echoes from incarnation to the next incarnation. Once we take responsibility, we can then have compassion for ourselves. Know that we knew we might create this darkness when we decided to forget who we are and give our fractal pieces free will. We played with darkness. We let us consume us.
Now it’s time to heal from our past lessons of dark. The time for darkness is over. After compassion for what you did, love yourself; because you chose to come here and have this experience. You knew you would most likely succumb to darkness, the echo of darkness and the illusions. Now it’s time to break free of your dark pattern of destruction and the justifications you've created around your dark pattern to help your stay in denial. Owning up to what you did is not easy and it takes real bravery. You can forgive yourself. It’s okay. There is no right and wrong, you convinced yourself of right and wrong when you became ashamed of what you created. You were ashamed of the pain you caused your other fractal Selfs from the darkness you created.
Each time you’ve incarnated, here on earth, you’ve brought with you, your light of love and divinity. Go inside and find your light. Love your fractal self again, see your whole Self again. Have compassion for yourself again and forgive yourself and then find that there is no need to forgive yourself, as you are perfect. You are a fractal of Source energy. You are the creator. You are love. You are dark and you’ve been out of balance. It’s time to heal. It’s time to allow light in. It’s time to stop judging yourself, and anytime your judge another, you’re judging yourself.
The echo of what you’ve done is going to keep coming at you until you can authentically forgive each and every aspect of the echoes of darkness which are tossed at you, and when you have no judgement towards these echos. You’ll need to decide you’re ready to face up to what you’ve done and love and love and love yourself and those other selves who acted as your echo of darkness to help remind you and help you heal. I will be authentic and tell you, this is the hardest thing you’ve ever had to do and you knew it before you incarnated here in Earth. You are the best of the best and the brightest of the brightest in the universe. You knew full well what you created. You knew full well what you did. You knew you could heal. You knew you could see through the illusion, that you put in motion, and pierce through the veil of the illusion to see again your authentic self of love, light and creator.
I've gone through many pieces of this journey myself and have guided some others through fractions of their journeys. This is some of the most vulnerable work I've ever done and more than I even imagined was possible has come up. I've seen and experienced this darkness, I've astral projected to other times, other spaces and places and other realities to see what I did, how it impacted my other selves and see and feel how we are all connected and part of the same Source. When I was ready for the journey and ready to face my demons, my darkness, my creation and heal from it instead of running from it, I was guided. Each time I've ended up on the other side feeling more liberated, more blissful and more love than I ever knew was possible prior.
I've come to realize that I will never have it all figured out, at least while incarnated, though I enjoy so much knowing more of who I am, why I am here and why I chose to come here. Knowing, and I mean authentically knowing, more of the truth of who I am is amazing. That anger that I was holding onto for so long and blaming the world for my problems and the problems that I saw of others, it dissipates and I realized that I stopped contributing to the echo of additional anger and lower vibrations. I can feel the authenticity in myself, in others, in information and that is an amazing feeling, as I don't have to be a victim of the dark echo that I created in past incarnations and now can continue to heal this illusion for myself and for other selves who are ready to be sovereign.
I leave you Brothers and Sisters of Source in Love and Light. ]