[Fearful to heal because the self’s entire identity was centered around the trauma experienced, in the past. No idea who self is outside of trauma and that unknown can be terrifying. The trauma can also be beliefs that self is/was holding onto as truth, yet these beliefs are depleting self’s energy and life force because it doesn’t serve self and the Highest purpose.
What is one’s Highest purpose? In the details, it is unique and personal. At a high level it is to remember who we are authentically and to heal our inauthentic unwanted energies we’ve accumulated in this incarnation and other incarnations we’ve taken part in.
When we can take a deep breath and look at ourself in the mirror and say I Divine You, while looking into our own eyes. We can ask our Higher Self for guidance and to help us feel safe and divine.
Write down these 5 steps and review them often. 1.) Divine Thyself. 2.) Compassion for Thyself. 3.) Divine Others. 4.) Compassion for Others. 5.) Forgiveness for Thyself and for Others. Anything that is requiring our forgiveness is something we are holding onto and carrying with us. If we are still carrying it within us, then we are keeping this unwanted energy alive and well in the now. It is only existing in the now, because we are holding onto it. We’ve become used to holding onto these traumas, it has become familiar. These traumas which we are choosing to hold onto are stopping us from obtaining our bliss and happiness.
We can release the traumas (fears), we can authentically forgive and divine and have compassion for the person(s) who we are forgiving.
A trauma that has come from another and directed towards us, and has become our story and who we are, in the now, is not who we authentically are anymore. We know it and it’s familiar and that has a sense of feeling safe, though when we release it and divine all involved, because everyone and everything deserves divine, even you, of course you, we open ourselves up to the unknown. This unknown can be scary and raise the fear flag inside of us. This is when we divine ourselves. We acknowledge that we are afraid and we can feel, in our body, where this fear physically is located and breath into this part of our body and breath out and say to ourself, thank you and I divine you. Ask your Higher Self for guidance through this fear and clearing of the fear of the unknown.
Life has available for us all, an amazing experience full of bliss, we just need to clear all the weeds of fear (traumas, anxiety, depression, anger, worry, stress, unworthiness, judgement and the base of these all fear), then we can see the path to our authentic Self.
Divine and God-Light
Written By: Gage]
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