After Forgiveness A Personal Journey
[I don’t support fictitious government, as I am a sovoriegn being. I know what it is and none of it supports humanity. I personally don’t see any point in differentiating myself in any way from other human souls. We are souls having a human experience, I’m not LGBT, I’m a soul having a human experience and you and everyone else are my brothers and sisters and I divine you and all my brothers and sisters, whatever you do and say.
There were dark forces on this planet who did not want humans to know who we were and how powerful we were. They were manipulative and deceptive and I divine them anyway, because they need healing too. These dark forces cannot live in the new energies of earth. I’ve studied, learned to channel and many other amazing things to connect to Source and grow. During my growth I’ve come to understand that these misguided dark forces feed on children’s energy, because it is most bright and pure. They raped young ones as it’s a form of black magic and taking energy and they sacrificed in dark rituals for power of the bodies of young ones too.
My beautiful brothers and sisters, how things will change is the waking up of each soul to divine, compassion and forgiveness, because that’s how change is going to happen. When I first started waking up, I saw the truth of how things were and I was angry. Then I realized i needed to divine have compassion and forgive as this was and is all part of the existence and we, as the Gods we are, are here to heal those hurt and those doing the hurting. In order to get there, it’s a process. And that process first is to wake up from the sleep state. I needed shock myself to really wake up. I was a liberal democrat (a label and a box). And I was spiritual and thought I knew a lot (another limiting box) and I did know things were changing but I had no idea at the time that extraterrestrials that are dark were manipulating and running our planet. What woke me up was Trump winning the election. I was shocked. How could such a dumb and evil man win the election, I thought. I couldn’t sleep the first night. I talked to my friend Mike and we were both in shock. Since I was all spiritual (so I thought) I meditated, which was really hard for me, as I was so upset and I thought the world was doomed. I finally fell asleep around 4 or 5 am that night/morning.
A few days went by and I hung on to a little hope that God would not lead us astray and Obama and Hillary will do something to stop this evil man from taking office. Then, things started to happen to me. I started to connect more with my Higher Self. I started to channel with the Pleiadians and I astral projected for my first time. I started to receive downloads of information. I started to see for the first time in my life. I reawakened through this shock better eye sight, better understanding, compassion, and authenticity. I started to realize that I was not all knowing, I was not spiritual, and I had a lot to learn. I started to see that things were not black and white and in fact a whole prism of colors.
Learning, unlearning and relearning
For all of us it’s different, for me it took 35 years of this life before I “really” started to see that most all was lies and illusion. I had bits and pieces and I think many have bits and piece, and then I would get distracted and busy and forget, now I realized that’s how it’s designed. Don’t focus on that Gage, look a new iPhone with fun gadgets, buy it and be happy. Oh look pay attention to this argument over here about gay rights Gage, your gay this is important, all the while it’s all a distraction and a tactic to separate me from my brothers and sisters of humanity. Then I’ve also learned and learning (as the learning never stops) that the unlearning and learning will never end, as it all depends on where I am at the time and what dimension I am working in. If I am working on 3rd dimension then I may need to focus on the government lies, the food poison, water poison, medical poison, chem trails, etc in order to raise my vibration above them, I needed to go through anger, then confusion of why would another being want to cause so much pain, then education, then forgiveness and divine. That brought me to 4th dimension. Then be in divine and forgiveness and compassion and understanding. Now I’m learning that forgiveness isn’t necessary because there is no right and wrong, though forgiveness was necessary for me to get to where I am now learning. So another unlearning and relearning and knowing that all was serving me when it was.
Divinity and Light and Healing
By: Gage Gorman
Wake Up
[You are divine. You are a fractal of Source energy. You are here, on earth, during this time and space and reality, to heal. You’ve been manipulated to believe life is about money, about success, about rules, about respect, about tradition, that you are unworthy of divine. That You are unworthy of blissfulness.
You have a choice. You always have had a choice and you always will have a choice, because you have free will. You have a choice to wake up. Wake up from the sleep you were born into and enslaved in.
We hear this wake up term tossed around a lot. What does it really mean?
To wake up, is a long process. For little words do not define it. To wake up starts with trusting yourself. Trust that the Source you know is inside you and always has been. Ask your Higher Source (Self) to guide you and assist you in waking up.
Your Ego is going to fight you, your Ego is not going to want to admit that you were wrong and you were manipulated. You’ve spent so long fighting for what you thought was right. Fighting for What you thought was divine. Fighting for your religion. Fighting for your politics. Fighting for traditions. Fighting for your country. Fighting for freedom. Stop 🛑. Just stop 🛑. Stop fighting. Tell the Ego it’s okay. Tell the Ego that ‘I divine you’. It’s okay. We’ve got this.
Most all you’ve ever learned has been lies. When you know this and you see it, then, your journey to waking up starts. Next is loving yourself and all others, even those who have done manipulating and awful things to you and humanity, compassion for yourself and all others. Then is forgiveness of yourself because you knew not what you were doing when you did awful things, and you did. And forgiving others. Then, after all that forgiving, you’ll reach a step in your awakening where you’ll know that forgiveness isn’t needed anymore as everything and everyone is perfect and we are all healing and during our healing we fullfill soul contracts to heal, which could be judged as needing forgiveness when we are on our journey of healing and waking up.
May this winter solstice be amazing for you and may you chose to take this time to go inward and commune with yourself. Your Higher Self. Your fractal Source.
Divinity and Light to you.
By: Gage Gorman