From the moment we are born we are put into a box. Gender, Race, Country, State, City, Religion, etc. We are constantly reminded through school, standardized tests, surveys, job applications, government paperwork, surveys, media, organizations, charities, politics, etc, that we are different and that is who we are. We are even encourage to fight and argue to defend this persona of who we've been told we are, and that persona of ourselves we have then regurgitated throughout our life. We can even pick a different side, like politics as an example, then you stand for and argue and defend that persona. We even defend, fight and die for this persona. How many have died for their country? And in so giving their life for their country, have taken the life of another sentient being on this planet? I have some good news for you, this may be a surprise to some of you, though I ask that you sit with this information, in this sharing and ask your Inner Self, your Higher Self.... Is this true? Does this resonate with who I really am?
We are not only these things that we are told to believe we are, which divide us from one another. Now, you may wonder, Who Am I then? Who Are We? We are Souls. We are Souls having a human experience. We are very powerful sentient beings of love and light. We are magnificent creators of the universe. We are creators of this planet. We are the creators of our reality. We come from the same Source. Have you ever thought of where we come from? I'll share with you what I've come to understand as of now, as my understanding is constantly evolving. We are fractals of the same Source energy. We are very strong when we are united. Science can prove this for you, look it up, it's called quantum physics, and it's taking our understanding of the universe and ourselves to the next level. Our energy increases when we are in groups and together. When we come together for a common purpose all of our energy rises. When we come together for a common purpose and it has a loving vibration, we are extremely powerful, our most powerful. This is why rally's and protests are against something or someone and are to divide and conquer, it is dividing dividing dividing dividing, get the point? Because, there are those who know who and what we are and they use us to create on their behalf, they are beings of lower vibration and want a world of lower vibration. The only ones holding onto anything that we are different is us, because we've been told we are different and we have believed it. And the change, to a more loving, blissful and happy experience, is only going to start with each one of us taking a stand to believe we are authentically good, we are authentically amazing, we are authentically beings of love, we are authentically beings of light, and that we deserve to be happy, deserve love, deserve blissfulness.
We are here during this time, space and reality to heal, first and foremost. Channeled Article about us choosing to come here. This planet is (was) a dark and dense planet now (currently changing), but it doesn't have to stay dark and dense, it's not how this planet wants to be. We all want this planet to be love and light and blissful and abundant. Humanity and this planet agreed a long time ago to assist a lower vibrational race of sentient beings who needed our help of love and light. They were, and are, of lower vibration and were on a destruction path to consume the universe into darkness, we agreed to allow them to merge with us, so that we could heal them and raise their vibration to where we were (are). We, along with our planet GAIA, agreed to assist them, we have been working for thousands of years to assist in transforming their darkness to light, their lower vibrational energy of separation and darkness and density to higher vibrational energy of unity, love, light, and expansion. The lower vibrational beings lowered the vibration of our planet and us during this time span, they also manipulated us into becoming their servants. They know how powerful we are, they know that we are beings of love and light, they know that we are magnificent creators. Because they knew this, they deceived us into separation, into fear and into creating for them, on their behalf. Then, they knew because of our nature to help, to love, and to trust that they could manipulate us to be divided and focus on our division and then we would not see what they were doing to us and how we had become their servants.
The time has come for us to Unite, to see through the veil of illusion which has been created to distract us, and instead go back to loving one another again, how we used to and where we are going. To see past the illusion of separation and darkness and deception. We are magnificent creators, all of us, and when we remember that we are all one, we are all fractals of the same Source energy and the we hold all the power.
On the topic of being magnificent creators makes me think of the popularity of The law of creation, which is true, though it is a small piece of the whole truth, it is like baking a cake, the law of attraction is the sugar, but you need the other ingredient, tools and oven to finish the cake. Many teachers have taught just on this one piece of truth, and in doing so have lost the full truth. The law of attraction is great, but think about why you are asking for what you are asking for? Do you authentically want what you are asking for or do you want it because a commercial told you that you should wanted it, your parents taught you to want life a certain way so you ask for it, or your education taught you to want something so you ask for it? Have you authentically spent the time to authentically go inside of YOU and LOVE YOU and seek authenticity in YOU and then apply the law of attraction? It is correct that the law of attraction needs higher vibrational energy to work best, but the teachings of ignoring the lower vibrational energy and darkness inside each one of us, is not going to help us, we must face our darkness, love our darkness and transform, not get rid of, transform (yes I know I repeated Transform) our darkness a.k.a. lower vibration, to love and light. More of the laws for the making of the cake is available in the Galatic Codex and additional articles will be written in the future about the cake.
We want to love ourselves, love others, forgive the past and let go of it, we are the ones holding onto the past, thus that makes it real. This is why there are museums and remembrance days, so that we will remember and thus keep creating the same low vibrational illusion over and over again. Instead, go to healing of these low vibrational pasts by forgiving and loving. We can choose to start making a difference by not looking at our difference, rather looking at what we have in common. Stop talking about our difference and start talking about how we can heal, how we can help ourselves and one another, and how we can love authentically again.
We are part of a collective energy grid and our individual energy has an impact and thus we have a lot of power to impact a lot of high vibrational change for our planet and we have the power to impact low vibrational change too. I write in more detail about this in 'Personal Energy And Collective Grid Energy And How They Relate'. There are many technological and social factors working against us to keep us in lower vibration. Keep strong in knowing we are love. Keep strong in seeking of truth. Keep strong in breathing, deep breaths will help keep you connected to yourself. Notice fear when it comes in and go into love, go into the light. A mantra which is helpful anytime and especially when fear arises is "I am the light" "I hold the light" and "The light is always with me" This is helpful when the mind wants to attack us with fear and try to bring us into a lower vibration.
“My personal declaration: I am love, I am here in the now, I am a sentient being of fractal source with free will during this time and space and reality, I am worthy, I am a sovereign sentient being, I break all contracts here and now which I did not full knowingly agree to in love and light, I am here to serve the light, I am here to serve GAIA, I am here to serve Humanity, I am here to expand consciousness, I am here to love and be loved. I ask my Higher Self to assist me in remembering what I have in common with others and to help me when I am focused on separation or division to bring my awareness to that so that I may change that focus to unity and oneness and love. ❤️
I am not a democrat or republican I am a sovereign sentient being of earth. I am not a citizen of one country, I am sovereign sentient being of earth. I am not a gay male or a white male or of a particular religion, I am a sovereign sentient being of earth. I am not any better than or less than any other sentient being rather I am a fractal of the same source energy of all sentient beings with my own desires, mission and soul contracts to fulfill. ”