[I am going to fight this disease and I am going to win!
I am going to kill cancer! Fuck Cancer!
I am going to get this negative energy out of me and release it!
I release all negative energies from my life!
I am going through a battle with this disease right now.
How many of us have used these statement during our life? How many of us have heard our divine ones using these statements? How many of us have heard the pharmaceutical for profit companies use these statements? How many of us have heard our doctors and politicians use these statements?
When we change our hate, dislike, wanting to get rid of this thing to a more higher vibration of divine and recognition we can heal everything in our life. We can heal any disease any sickness and any past trauma we are holding onto.
You may read this first statement and wonder, how?
What we say and think and feel creates our reality or our perceived reality.
Let’s use a disease as an example. If someone has a disease, first let’s look at the possible reasons why this disease is present in the body and energetic field of this person. Disease is a dis—ease in the body, translation, something is not harmonizing with the core vibration of your loving and light self.
What is this something that is not harmonizing with someone’s well being? Could it be a childhood trauma? molestation, not feeling divine by one’s parents and/or siblings, a car accident, satanic ritual recovery, past life energies, negative self talk, toxic food, toxic water, toxic air, vaccine reaction, drug reaction, alcohol, etc….
Our body will hold onto anything we ask it to hold onto. Fear is a paralyzing energy and a stagnating energy. When we go into a fear based state, we will hold onto energy inside of us and the longer we hold onto a fear based energy, our vibration will change to match the vibration we are telling our body to match. Our thoughts and our feelings is what our body is picking up on, all the time. Our body will listen to our thoughts and feelings and match that vibration. Then, we will attract to us, vibrationally more things to enhance the vibration we are asking for and emanating from us.
I hope this helps weave together how our thoughts, feelings, actions and what we are choosing or ignoring, is what we are vibrating.. Noticed I also mentioned ignoring…… This is huge, for a lot of us.
When we ignore the past, a vibration, our darkness, our traumas, whatever it is, we keep those vibrations inside of us locked away. The awesome or somethings viewed as not awesome thing about our body, is that it is really smart and divine us unconditionally. Our body will try to communicate to us that we are ignoring something, which is stored inside of us, and is causing a dis—ease in the harmonization of our best self and best optimal experience, while we are here on earth.
Doctors would call these communication from the body, symptoms. I would call these communications, communication from our body. :-) Our body will talk to us, our body will communicate…. actually our body is always communicating to us, it’s really whether or not we are allowing ourselves to receive the communications.
One may be wondering, how do I know these communications? A great way to know is to breathe, consciously into your body. This means your mind is not thinking of anything other than the breath as it moves through you body. Then, when the breath reaches a place that is more difficult to explore in the body, ease the breath in and then allow the mind to open to thought, from the body. What comes to mind?
Whatever comes to mind, it could be a challenge, or even painful, to think through or remember, but this is where the healing is. In the recognition and the seeing and the giving of ones attention to that which is screaming for attention…
If we approach our bodies communications of disharmony, (diseases, sicknesses, pain) with anger, hate, needing to be defeated or needing to be battled, the body gets confused and holds more of the fear based vibration. The body is trying to communicate to us that we are vibrational out of harmony with our highest self, our true self, our loving and light self. When we hate, are angry at, or want to defeat or battle our dis-eases, we are enflaming even more the disease. —— This is like a small abused child, who is so scared and afraid because the world this child has experienced thus far, as been cruel, mean, traumatic, and not loving and now this small child is approached with anger, hate, fear, and aggression for battle and disdain….the small child becomes more scared, more afraid and could respond in violence in order to defend themselves.
This child could grow older and repeat these same patterns onto others, including children and keep the energy of disharmony migrating from one human life form to another.
Take this example from above and relate this to ones disease, pain, darkness…whatever thing that we know wants healing to be more in harmony….. how are we approaching our healing? how are we talking to ourselves?
If we approach our bodies communications of disharmony, with openness to heal, divine, patiences, tenderness, and willingness to change the things in our life that caused us to ignore and attract these vibrations, then we can heal and be in a harmonious vibration. When we connect with the body to understand, to listen, to grow, to learn, etc… then our body will eagerly begin to send signals all over the body to bring up the the experiences to help you connect. This means, you may start attracting experiences that appear to be negative or old patterns, though these experiences are happening so you can see them, see the pattern and react differently. I am going to repeat that, the experiences you encounter, will feel like the same experience, but now you have the awareness to change the pattern of how you react.
When one feels pain, say… oh… Hi body. I divine you, what you wanting to share with me today? What can I do to help us be in a harmonious vibration?
The scared child in our example from above, we can approach our scared inner child with patience and unconditional divine We can approach our disease with patience and unconditional divine. There is always a lesson in the disease (dis-ease) and in the dis-ease there is a ease, when the lesson has been recognized. Most of the pain, is the burning desire to be seen, to be recognized, it’s the longing of a piece of “you” that is wanting to be divine, to be held, to be hugged, to be embraced and told that it is divine and remember the loving feeling.
Follow the story, experience, memory (even if this seems imaginary — this is usually a past life), and as one follows this story and journey, feel and thinking loving vibrations the whole way through. If something is sad, feel the sadness and then breathe the sadness up through your heart and envision it rising in vibration to divine and light. Do this for any fear based lower vibrational feeling (anger, greed, fear, trauma, victimhood, sadness, hate, depression, rape, black magic, etc….). When you journey through this process and you see yourself in this life or past life doing dark things, forgive yourself… Forgive yourself and all others in whatever is coming up. Understand we all have done things, that we truly did not understand the energetic impacts of these things we were doing, which have caused disharmony.
Look for the teachings in the disharmony you’re connecting with in your body. Feel the lessons and be open to changing the things that caused the dis-ease.
Be grateful to your body and the dis-ease. Why? The dis-ease has been uncomfortable for our bodies too and we have been the ones not communicating, being distracted and ignoring this communication and……. some of us have been saying and thinking awful things towards our dis-ease and self. Forgive and be grateful that the body endured and did not give up on you and call it quits.
Instead of wanting to get rid of the dis-ease, welcome the disharmonious energies to come and raise in vibration through divine and welcome the energies back home. Home is where the heart is. :-)
We’ve had many teachings that have taught us to cast out the dark, get rid of the disharmonious vibrations and the thing is……energy never dies. never… energy can only be transformed. When we cast out or get rid of energies, those energies wander around and then either jump back into you later or jump into someone around you, if they have like vibrations for the energies to attach to. Then, if the energies go onto someone else, that came from you, you become quantum entangled to that person and all their energies too — so as you can see, this I can make the situation worse. And here you thought you got rid of your darkness…. ha :-) Not so much..
Can I go to healer and have them do this energy work for me? No. A healer can help alleviate the symptoms that the body is communicating. A healer can connect with the divine vibration in you, amplify it (divinity) with the healers connection to higher self consciousness and assist you and guide you through the process. The symptoms the healer may alleviate for you, will come back if the underlying cause of the pain/dis-ease is not recognized and healed by you.
Why does hold disharmony energies I’ve already healed come back? Timelines. We have multiple timelines merging into us now. When we feel old patterns rising up in us or old symptoms. Walk through the same steps again. This will get easier the more you do it. This can get to a point, where you can recognize a timeline shift, recognize the energies, connect to the energies, and raise and heal the vibration of the energies in 120 seconds total for that whole process —- with practice.
This stuff doesn’t work for me, though, I’ve tried all this stuff and I’ve read the books and I attend workshops and my dis-ease and pains won’t go away…….. This pattern of self talk is why. Many of us have read a lot of things and know a lot of things, but then we don’t do the things that we know, because we know it. Or we find we felt better and then things came back (well re-read the paragraph above about timelines). Be patient, be kind, be loving, be compassionate, and be forgiving. I find that many are looking for the quick fix, the magic pill, the crystal healing bed, the hidden nugget of knowledge from some guru —- and as long as this is what one is looking for, then one is not going to find their healing. The healing is within! The reason why this “stuff” is not working is because you have not yet been authentically willing for your healing.
When we are authentically willing and ready for our healing, we will be open to change the things in our life, that are not harmonizing with our vibration. We may find that many “professionals” deemed experts by the “state” or “government” may not agree with these techniques and the FDA is not going to approve this message. Thus, this challenge of “society” will come about during ones healing. Can you trust your inner-self more than the outer world?
The outer world is the creation of what we are collectively thinking and feeling as humans. How we perceive the outer world is based on our vibrational energy awareness. Our lower vibrational awareness only knows what it knows, and humanity has been inundated with fear based vibrations for numerous years and numerous generations. We have a fear of the unknown, while in the lower vibrational state.
When we allow ourselves to delve into our inner realms of exploration inside of us and journey through the unknown, we can find our happiness, our authentic selves and our bliss in life. This is a journey and the finding of our healing, happiness and bliss comes with practice and dedication.
With much divine-god-light,