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Energy vampires is a helpful topics to be aware of. The vamping of energy is the simplest explanation is the stealing of energy from one life force to another life force.
“The system” aka society. Aka professional. Aka being a good citizen.
Be loving. Do not kill and do not steal. Be loving. First be loving to self.
Society bred self sacrifice and vampiring aka stealing energy. The more loving to self the more energy self produces and then no need to vampire energy aka steal energy.
One can learn that drama is a sub-conscious programming running to feed an addiction to a source of life-force. The addiction is needed to be fed because self love is non-existent or is rarely maintained for more than a few moments/minutes/hours before diminishing the love level down and back to needing to take aka steal aka vampiring life-force.
Those born to a planet where they injected with programs of altered chemicals during integration (pregnancy), then the umbilical cord is cut, the boys circumcised and numerous other immediate dramatic occurrences could have happened. These and other events through early developmental stages of growth, programmed (addiction) in many the need to vampire - take life-force from other life-force. This is stealing unless there is explicit cognitive contract (soul-contract). This vampiring of life-force empowers shortly and then lowers the base level after. This builds and insatiable thirst for energy, power, control, domination, etc.. as the addiction to vampiring progresses.
Energy vampires can be attracted to another because they unconsciously desire to resolve a deeper healing and knowing in their field of energy and mind - they often times perceive empaths and alchemists and those in love , as the solution to their needing to heal. Be kind. Also, be prepared and be okay to draw a line, energy vampires can be insatiable unconsciously and can leave one feeling awful and sick and take much time to recoup the energy taken/stolen.
Energy is everything, The reason there was child rapists, sexual predators, and sex addicts was because they're energy vampire's, they have no to little life force energy so they needed to feed of the child's energy. Sexual energy is one of the greatest powers in this realm, that's why much porn and sex is marketed and available, so to encourage giving that energy away.
Energy Vampires in crowds can latch on to you
Soul: “There is a lot of mixed energy in crowds. You have to be careful to put up protection before going out in crowds. Sometimes the energy of crowds can latch onto you. If it does, it’s draining. You feel very tired. There are so many people that are hungry for energy, because their vibrations are not high enough for them to produce a good quality of energy. So when they find and sense someone with a high vibration they will latch on to that energy, and use that energy. It’s kind of like they’re suction cups.
I have heard them referred to as “psychic vampires”. That’s a negative word, but it’s the same idea. They don’t do it consciously, but they do take energy. You must protect yourself, even when you go shopping. Anywhere you go where there is a large group of people.”
Excerpt From “The Convoluted Universe Book 3” by Dolores Cannon
As for the protection this post mentions…
The following is an effective visualization for protection that was given to Dolores by a subject in trance. It is commonly known as “white light protection”.
Soul: “Vocalization is highly effective, but you should include more visualization. See more fully and do not rely so heavily on simply the spoken word. For, although the spoken word is in truth a creation of energies, it is much more efficient for you if you would truly visualize and see in your mind’s eye exactly that which you wish. For this is, in fact, creation. See yourself enveloped in a pyramid of white energy surrounding, perhaps, the entire building you are in, or whatever you feel most comfortable with. If it is used in this way all within its space would be included in this white energy. Encourage all who participate to co-create and in so doing, the energies become stronger. It would be very simple to describe a pyramid surrounding those present, and ask that each simply visualize this pyramid of white shimmering energy, such that no discreative energies may enter from the outside. Ask that all discreative energies within be transformed and aligned into the creative energies of the universe. It would also be appropriate at that time to ask for any healing which would be required of those in the assembly. Ask that the discreative energies within the assembly, which cause these physical manifestations of illness, be turned to the white light, and aligned and turned back to the universe in a creative manner. In this way, those present will assist in the healing of whoever wishes it. Energy cannot be destroyed, but it can be converted from negative to positive. Anyone can create this pyramid of white light and surround themselves with it. If created in this way any discreative energies which come near the pyramid will be returned to the universe to be transformed into creative and constructive energies. Any discreative energies within the pyramid will be bathed in this white light and will automatically be converted into harmonious, constructive and creative energies. Visualize the entire pyramid completely enveloped and full of this white light. And all discreative energies within could be visualized as darkness in the light. Simply see the light changing the darknesses, raising the darkness to the light, or turning the darkness into light. In turn the darkness becomes light and is no longer discreative, but is again constructive energy which is returned to the universe for constructive and creative purposes. All have the ability to create this white light energy around them. They need only affirm to themselves the desire to do this. They must truly want this in order to believe it. For if the individual is not firmly of the belief of what they desire, there will be limited success with this”
- Dolores Cannon -
Between Death and Life
Numerous articles, videos and blogs sharing loving ways to reduce and eliminate energy vampiring. It is important to stop taking energy and to produce one’s own energy.