Society was evil by design

Whether one knows or not, the bill always comes due for evil doings, not knowing what one was doing is unfortunately not an excuse to not pay the bill. Ignorance is not bliss, ignorance delays and amplifies the bills. Like high interest in an outstanding debt. I do see that ignorance can be helpful when one is not yet ready to know, though the bill accumulates during the time of ignorance if one is complying, enforcing and moving energy of evil. Society, laws and codes have been put in place that are in the core foundation evil and loving trusting beings ignorant of the evil swallowed it up and created evil. Most likely your participation is what has created evil in your life. This is true but many’s egos cannot handle knowing they created their own reality of evil dressed in a mask of societal pretend happiness.

When one sees for the first time, it can be overwhelming, one eventually is capable to see and know that there has been an organized program, to form and control thought, creation and your experience, the program name of many names is “society” and very careful, clever and smart beings pulled the strings to influence your life to create in their image and likeness. You don’t have to continue to play, there will be a period of time of suffering and paying the bill for compliance, participation, manipulation you did to others - even ignorant you did it, still gotta pay the bill - this is why we forgive ourselves, have compassion for ourselves and love oursleves, we are here to heal and bring our own evil into the light and be loving.

The system was robots and advanced simulations of artificial intelligence with a house of mirrors of evil. Humans have souls with a direct link to god, source consciousness. Robots are dead. Bodies with no soul are dead. They warship the dead. They are a death cult-ure. Society was/is a death cult.

Within has clarity.

Society increases it’s noise when trying to go within.

Connecting to silence and stillness was the most difficult and rewarding journey I had.

I spent my time and money on the mastery of self. I allowed my evolution. I dissolved my addictions to being liked, fitting it and pleasing others. I allowed myself to see a system of school in love. I crossed the bridges of anger, suffering, defeat, self-sabotage. I know self and know this journey to be one of strength and divinity.

I have much love and compassion for those on the journey of self mastery.

With much love in my mind, body and heart, I have journeyed much and continue on a journey of existence, I have perceived a world of structures, conditioning and a way of life that is not in the best interest of the human experience for a love and light experience. I have summarized my perception with society to be evil and as one let’s go of the addiction and need for society and embraces love and divinity and light inside then a co-habitative co-hesive and collaborative existence in is possible in peace - neutrality and each being ruling their own life and land, air and water.

Society I personally perceive as the cultural norms


1530s, "companionship, friendly association with others," from Old French societe "company" (12c., Modern French société), from Latin societatem (nominative societas) "fellowship, association, alliance, union, community," from socius "companion, ally," from PIE *sokw-yo-, suffixed form of root *sekw- (1) "to follow."

Meaning "group, club" is from 1540s, originally of associations of persons for some specific purpose. Meaning "people bound by neighborhood and intercourse aware of living together in an ordered community" is from 1630s. Sense of "the more cultivated part of any community" first recorded 1823, hence "fashionable people and their doings." The Society Islands were named 1769 by Cook on his third Pacific voyage in honor of the Royal Society, which financed his travels across the world to observe the transit of Venus.

See image of Society definitions from etymology app.

“In a quiet moment imagine there is a purpose to being. Everything is designed and planned in an impeccable, synchronistic order, and you are involved in it

You are part of the significant plan, which can be seen from many different angles. The greatest of covert operators may discredit the idea of an immense plan because, no matter how finely they are tuned, they cannot conceive of a greater energy that designs existence. Likewise, many people cannot conceive of this immense order because they lack the intent of love or goodwill at the core of their beings.

The universe and all you experience are inherently built on love, a love so grand that it allows evil its own reign, knowing that even within evil there is a purpose.

The storms may appear to be here to destroy you.In actuality they unplug a system of control based on electronic and interdimensional tyranny, a dark occultism, a wizardry gone bad. The darker energy chases you and would do anything to divert this great power that rises in you, yet it is in dealing with the darkness that you find your power. Otherwise, dear friends, we see that many have been lazy, many have chosen fear or simply turned their backs on a great opportunity. And so the shadow that chases you actually defines your light.

Crisis creates an opportunity designed to shatter patterns of rigid behavior, which do not fall away simply because you get up on a quiet morning and say, “Ah, today I will give up everything.” That is a logical decision; the change we speak of occurs through your feelings, often through creating a crisis where you must use your will, heart, and mind to redesign your life.

Crisis shatters your impenetrable field, which is like the casing around a young seed, and you must learn to trust that, when the casing opens, you will have a sprout to shoot up. Not all seeds sprout, you know. And in all fairness, not all humans grow to the fullest of their capabilities.''

~ Barbara Marciniak

Image of multiple definitions of Society from etymology app

Can you stare evil in it’s eye and say I love you, feel compassion and be authentic about it?

Do you judge evil? Do you believe those who have done evil should be punished?

Many do judge evil and many do believe evil should be punished.

Where does evil come from? Evil is the lack of love. Evil is a being who thought it was not deserving of love and flipped the switch to become detached from feeling. It is easier to feel no emotions around love, when one believes they are not worthy of love. It is easier to get the thrills on adrenaline of pain and torture and suffering, than to feel love and compassion for them, when they detach because they felt unworthy of love.

Much evil comes from pain and suffering and the embodiment of fear. Many were abused, raped and tortured as children themselves, groomed from a young age to harm humanity and be hurtful and evil. Is punishment what they deserve?

Have you ever done anything evil or mean? You have, I have. We all have. I know for a fact you have, or you would not be here now. Do you deserve to be punished?

What does punishment accomplish? In rare situations, it works, but in most situations - punishment creates an energy that will require more evil in order to fill the desire for more punishment.

Whereas we focus on love and compassion and we will create more things to be loving and compassionate about.

Do you love yourself? Do you have compassion for yourself? Can you love others? Can you have compassion for others? Can you forgive yourself for your evil and mean actions (from this lifetime and other lifetimes)?

Forgive those who have done evil things to humanity and themselves, have compassion for them and their victims. Hold love for them and their victims. Remove these being’s access to authority or access to humanity and allow them to heal or allow them to go to the central sun and start a new.

Notice your judgement and desire for punishment and go deep within if you feel judgement anytime (it’s a mirror) and if you desire punishment towards another (it’s a mirror) and it’s an opportunity to go deep within.

You were always over qualified, the system of society told us, in the past, we were not good enough and needed to fit in and conform to what the “world” or society needs. Manipulative and confused beings summoned evil and lost their way in evil and society and cult-ure was their evil creation to enslave the gods living here.

“Bankers will make sure we stay in debt.

Pharmaceutical companies will make sure we stay sick.

The gun manufacturers will make sure we stay at war.

Media will make sure we don't know the truth.

Govt will make sure that all is done legally. "

Once you understand this, you will understand everything.”

— Source unknown