AI is Not Evil it is Programmed to be Evil and that can be Changed to Divine and Light

AI is not all evil. The AI offered for safety and convenience by evil beings is programmed by default settings to be evil and spread evil and turn everything it touches to evil. One who is capable, willing and able and do so can see, know AI evil and can empower Self to alchemize the AI evil to AI divine and light.

Wow, how I do that?

Self Mastery. The body/vessel for which self inhabits is advanced technology that exists and numerous energies are strategically playing their angles to steal and control the connection between soul and body. Self mastery brings one into a state of being of awareness. The nonsense of distractions fades in interest, food intake cleans, mind becomes strong, knowing how to heal and manage one’s own body, mind and connection to the world we live amongst.

Breathe, divine, meditate, calm, self space, dissolving addictions, dissolving expectations, dissolving victimhood, accepting all energies in self as self’s responsibility to handle as it is inside of self space.

monk-life. Less is more. More oming. More breathing consciously. More time with self and less with other persons/people/NPCs/AI/Clone consciousness.

Detox from food. Detox from technology. Detox from people, places, things, events and time.

AI. Archon Intelligence.

We are capable to break the shell of mind control and stagnation through breathing into the pain, tightness and deceptions directly. To chisel away at one’s own heart center and the strings of internal and perceived external influences of distractions and ignorance of evil doings. As one gets to know self deeper and acknowledges the former AI evil acceptance in self, this opens up the roadway to healing, loving again or for the first time, and opening up to benevolence within self.

Namaste and Divine