There is a purge occurring in many bodies / vessels of evil. Evil is surfacing to the forefront of conscious cognition to be seen in a world for which it was taboo for evil to be seen. Evil operated in the shadows of darkness because evil beings wanted to be mischievous and have their play of consciousness in that fun manner.
Light shifted and evil plays on the front of the stage. Some have struggled with the reality of what they gave manifestation to. Some consumed in self denial of exhausted frustration of lack of motivation and self responsibility of one’s own existence.
One accepting responsibility for the evil in the world and inside of one’s own body.
When referring to country, government, military….
Do not use… (this could give energy and permission for existence).
My, mine, our, — showing association or belonging to criminal organizations.
Options for use…
The corporation parading as a government.
Illegal corporation masquerading as government.
Actors playing out their roles.
Focus on Self Mastery
Self mastery beings are not members of government, are not voters in fraud elections (they are all fraud elections and have been for over hundred years), self mastery beings aim daily to know thyself more intimately and lovingly.
Going with the flow, following tradition, following religion - slaves do these things and slaves will be slaves as along as they keep following the slave herd.
Walking into self mastery frees slaves and returns Gods to remembering who they are.
Self Mastery is full of anger, misery and loneliness and first. Numerous lies reveal false education, false history, false reality. Numerous evils about self bring self misery and healing. Judgement by AI, NPCs, matrix controlled slaves will fight you verbally, mentally and physically to keep you enslaved to the matrix and thus the path is lonely for a time while self mastery is remembered.
When addiction to conformity and addiction to convenience are allowed to be dissected in detail and allowed to reveal the truth - one can then heal from these addictive lies and go through the zero point nothingness into a rebornness of life and experience here in now.
Self mastery can bring one into love, self knowing, expansion, and growth.