Changing the frequency of thought
Altering the harmonics of matter
And applying the element of love
To create a desired result
- Wizard’s Club Academy -
For the knowledge of the life is in the spirit. The body is a vessel. The laws are a construct of the system for which the body - vessel navigates through. There are those in the system who manipulated the laws in the past - through time - and brought fourth laws for which have been adhered to, though those laws hold truly not foundation - when the consciousness of the spirit and vessel are integrated in knowing.
In the construct of the system, for anyone with a berth certificate (spelling is purposeful) which was created by the “doc”tor and then securitized the vessel at berth and changed the experience from life to death - that is why the name becomes all capital letters after berth. The all capital letters now dead vessel (knowledge of no soul or spirit) can be owned and controlled by whoever owns the patent or rights to that vessel.
As the DNA changes in the vessel, patented technology could be present and thus the claim of ownership of that vessel can be challenged and taken.
There was always much more occurring in this world than many knew or allowed themselves to see, feel, hear and know.
The spirit inside can accomplish anything, when it is in love and authentic. Ownership can be reclaimed.
Re-share from 2019
Could you imagine
If you were able to build a video game and then move a portion of your consciousness into the video game?
Then you program the video game to challenge your emotions and thinking ??
What if emotions and our thoughts, together create worlds organically from our emotion and thoughts combo?
What if we are learning that combo in a simulation?
What if we designed our own game?
What if a portion of our consciousness was put, by us, into our own game?
If this was/is true
Could this then further mean everyone here is playing the part that you designed?
And each fraction of Source energy here is all your fraction playing out to your game. Your challenge.
How would I remember?
If I connect to who I am? If I zoom out and think bigger picture? Then, maybe, I could see . A wider perspective!
I could then see the game aka matrix.
If I connect to the love vibration inside of me
I can create my game the way I want to.
If we are the creator? There is nothing we can’t do
~ A journey of flow Gage Gorman
Multiple timelines of reality are existing at the same time - in this now space.
What one pays attention to one aligns with.
What is important to me, right now?
Timelines are plentiful.
Timeline jumping occurring.
Shifting into conscious vibrations for the conscious with souls.
Breathe. Om. Be in joy. Focus on what is wanted (not not wanted).
What once was will be again.
I am love. I have always been love.]