All sharing is past tense, I give no power to slavery of myself. My volition is of peace and neutrality. I am a being of love, authenticity and clarity. I see a system of teachings for which suffering was the tool. I let go of my need to suffer and be convenienced in slavery and Step into my authority of self and my love.
The sharing…..
The IRS and most government agencies was [is] run by AI, humans following orders and paying taxes to a machine that prints fiat money, controls communications, controls food, water and air supply, controls education. Humans eagerly running to create more conveniences disguised as enslavement and servitude to machines; numerous movies warned humanity or programmed humanity.
Many perceived scary things coming to light. Darkness can no longer hide. Reminder humans with souls, you are powerful and can overcome this, after a dark night of the soul, which is brutual, I will not sugar coat it; you see all your own evil and darkness and get to feel what you did to others - all of them. Depending on your life scales of evil and love will determine how a layer of the dark night of the soul goes. It goes and comes in layers.
The agencies and giving self power away is a disease in the hearts and souls of mankinds.
How humanity responds is unique to each human fractal God consciousness here in this shared and yet unique at the same time experience. Each human soul experience is the same and unique both. How one reacts, goes through their dark night of the soul, and carries one self in daily life is unique and the authentic clarity of how to act and react is best known in that now space of time, by being conscious in the now space (not distracted) one is able to connect to source consciousness (the collective loving shared grid) and see and know all and thus when ones volition is authentic and loving and of grace then all is seen and known and how to navigate for oneself can be made clear.
Dark to Light