Perceptions of me in corporate series

Once upon a timeline, Humanity was conditioned to be slaves, humanity accepted their slavery and accepted evil living condition which were normalized through societal influence and numerous clones and technology.

Children sold at birth to dead entity all capital letter and mother and father converted their living being to a dead corporate all capital letter slave and mom and dad became a pair that rented (pairents) the documented slave, social security number.

Forced into labor for life expectancy and conditioned to attack anyone challenging the fear based control structure of slavery. Numerous dead entities paralyized in the fear of delusion and illusion, consumed deeply in self lies and self hate and afraid and conditioned into comfority and complacency.

Society an evil entrapment for which finding ones way out feels like a mile long house of mirrors in a circus tent, with monsters jumping out of numerous mirrors and attacking verbally, mentally, and physically.

Most feeling hopeless and doomed in a perpetual routine of slavery of work, eat, keep up, give up, busyness to try and hide the suffering, intoxication to hide the reality of a death war ship of inverted reality.

They broadcasted the lies through tell lie visions and manipulated the m(asses) into servitude and used many clones and robots (70 percent of population - now space 99 percent of population) to influence behavior and thoughts of those with the ability to create their own reality.

In this once upon a timeline, those who wanted out, rejected the ways of the slave system, the humanity population stopped selling their souls to dead all capital letter corporations, the humanity remembered love and stopped living in fear of manipulated created scarcity and stopped fighting, stopped stealing from

one another, stopped killing one another. Stopped following evil orders.

Evil was purged from that timeline. It was like hell being opened and moving through humanity. Humanity got to feel and see and mentally experience everything they gave permission to and allowed.

Wow, what a dark to light on that timeline.

Best to you in your journey.


Love - Compassion and Forgiveness

It was well known that sales people lie and humanity used to accept that as doing business. It’s just business do not take it personal.

- evil conditioning

- dark to light

Love thyself

Compassion for thyself

Love others

Compassion for others

Forgive self and all others

The bill always comes due. Energy is everything and always will following the originator through all space and time.

What one does, thinks, says, business, survival of the fittest (a lie) - the bill awYs comes due.

Dark to Light

Once upon a time there was a planet where mothers and fathers indoctrined their children into death cults of slavery. These mothers and fathers sacrificed their children and they became a pair renting the child and raising the child in camps called schools to be obidient slaves. Love inverted to vampiring of energy life force - through sugar, lies (santa, tooth fairy, easter bunny) etc, and numerous other conditioned slave conditions.

When the humans stopped working for and stopped following orders from all capital letter entities the planet and humanity found abundance, peace, joy, and clarity.

Living beings are not all capital letters. All capital letters are dead entities with no life form.

Dark to Light

Don’t take it personal, it’s just business.

It is all personal and the energetic bill always comes due for the soul.

Do unto others as done unto self.

There are no free passes.

Much compassion for the balancing of the scales.

Dark to Light

For the image with this sharing….In my perception this is not humorous. I have perceived that the enslavement and hostile work environments have led to this pictured situation of a little girl crying in what is perceived by me as someone is dispair and being highly pressured and is in pain and suffering.

Laughing and humorizing suffering is conditioning the minds of those willing to be conditioned into a normalized state of being of perpetual suffering, living under pressure and being enslaved in normal civilized programming. - in my perception this is toxic, evil and sinister.