Corporate World and Jobs and Following Orders to Divinity

One’s world (whirled) becomes a better place when one lives for themselves and stops living to survival. I perceived many who followed orders and just did their job because they be-lie-ved they were doing the societal right thing. A large part of the evil and so called bad things in life, are because of ignorance and comformity and following orders and just doing one’s job. Those who have worked to manipulate thoughts, words, and structures on this plane(t) took control of law makers, corporate boards, and policy makers and these beings have gained much pleasure in stealing humanities experience and entertaining themselves with humanities suffering. They view humans as equal to rats and rodents and have played and experimented with humans like rats, to the point now, they want to stop experimenting on animals and keep it to only humans. When I looked deeper inside of myself, I could not align my working time with the corporate jobs I had been doing, there was too much lying, evil, stealing, manipulating, and did I mention lying. The lying was so much, the colleague’s minds were mush and they were self trapped due to kids, family, bills, and saw no way to navigate to something honest for them. I would talk with numerous people 1-1 and I found most know something is “off” with corporate whirled and government though, in the past, most much too fearful to admit to themselves there is something very evil at play and identifying the self as a supporting character then means one has to look at and process their own evil, and one has to pay the energy bill for all the “just doing my job” evil that was done. Anyone and everyone impacted by one’s actions, thoughts and words alwaya returns in energy - evening through into other lifetimes - the energetic bill always comes due. These beings know this so they get loving humans to do evil things and thus entraping loving humans into manifesting evil for themselves and their kids and family and friends. When we allow love to flow through us, at first it can be a nightmare because much evil is stirred inside and we then have to own it and process it (the evil) and then after much time, meditation, lots of humbling experiences, and much agony eventually one rises from the ashes of despair and evil and the pain of the suffering to feel relief and love and grace. Eventually the songs of the heavens opens up inside of self and knowing, wisdom a d clarity rides in like a white horse through a dark forest on a misty risings sun through the trees and shining warmth on one’s chest and authentic love is found.