If you don’t enjoy meetings, being a Product Manager might not be for you.
📡 One of the toughest aspects of Product Management, aside from launching a buggy product over the weekend, is failing to align with your development team.
For a PM, avoiding meetings is like a surgeon avoiding the operating room, a chef avoiding the kitchen, or a pilot avoiding the cockpit. It's simply part of the role.
I’ve been part of teams where developers grumbled about too many meetings, and others where we looked forward to these interactions.
Here are the key tips I’ve learned to ensure a team’s success and to help them comprehend the importance of meetings:
Be aware of everyone’s availability and convenience.
Schedule meetings in advance. Avoid last-minute gatherings when possible.
Ensure the right people are in attendance. Only relevant participants should be invited.
Respect time. Start meetings on time and keep them concise.
Have a clear agenda. Inform participants about the purpose and expected outcomes beforehand.
Define actionable points and takeaways. Every meeting should conclude with clear tasks and responsibilities.
Effective communication is crucial for product success.
When your team sees the value in timely reviews and discussions, working in silos and misalignment will decrease.
Embrace communication with your team. Whether it’s daily 15-minute check-ins (Scrum Daily Meeting), weekly updates, or monthly reviews, foster open channels for dialogue.
The ideal amount of communication varies for every team; it’s about finding the balance that fits your team's needs and dynamics.
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