Original Date February 04, 2018. Complete rewrite January 06, 2024 — Written and Organized by Gage-Robert: Gorman.
Fasting for physical, mental and spiritual well-being. There are numerous kinds of fasting and fasting is a unique experience for each being who embarks on the journey of doing so. The process of fasting can be healing to the body/vessel, bring clarity to the mental space and allow more of a conscious flow of divinity of god in the body and in the astral space in and around the body.
Fasting also comes with, in my opinion, a big warning of awareness before embarking on the journey. Fasting will open pathways which will allow parasites of invisible and visible worlds both to create chaos before they are transformed into divine energy of clarity; like it gets worse before it gets better. As the body opens pathways and eliminates waste and clogs from the lympathic system, energy moves and this movement brings more clarity to the body and also the parasites panic and cause as much chaos as they can. Examples of the parasites chaos is mental invasion of persuasions of numerous kinds, to the point of agony and insanity, massive body aches, head-aches, irritable bowel, extreme lethargic-ness, exhaustion, weak body, heart racing.
Dry fast opens the tubes in the body to “move” energy. That can be a nightmare for those who have been “stuck” a long time, it can be amazing when the backlog is cleared and the flow is powerful and steady. Dry fasting is amazing, when coupled with strong meditation, study and practice and deepening connection with self. Dry fasting is a path of self mastery and moving in a direction of “needing” no thing or no system outside of self, as dry fasting can be a divine path to knowing self authentically.
Personally (Gage), I have done 21 days of dry fasting. I often do 3-5 days of dry fasting. I aim to once a week do 24 hours dry fast. And most days I do 12-18 hours dry. I have developed this practice over years of study and practice. I would consider it advanced and one would be best to be aware of one’s own body and mental space be in a state of awareness of mechanics. It was a journey of ups and downs and very grateful to know what I know and not be dependent on external things, like food and water (or very little water). It felt massively freeing for me, when it clicked, I did this and I survived and I am thriving and alive, really alive.
As I mentioned, there are numerous kinds and ways of fasting and they’re all beneficial for the mind-body/vessel and spirit.soul. Food is a choice (FIAC) and it is not necessary/requirement for the human experience, I know this personally-from my own practice, food became more of an addiction, instead of a once-in-a-while experience to be enjoyed. Food can be a wonderful experience, when consumed with divine intention, with the knowledge of how food being consumed impacts the body/vessel, balanced and the body/vessel is given amble time to recuperate. We were taught that one could not survive without food though in reality one can’t survive and live a vibrant life with an accumulation of waste matter in the body and a clogged lymphatic system that fails to be eliminated because of the blockages and accumulated mucus throughout the body. This accumulation of waste also gives space for parasites to host themselves in the body/vessel and create portals to invisible realms (astral-space) to coordinate harvesting of life-force through the astral from physical - using the parasitic connections in the body/vessel.
Animals fast, spiritual masters fast, because it best to give the body a rest, as the body is not designed to eat three meals a day every day and not allow the body to rest, the organs to reset and fast so that the body and organs can properly eliminate the metabolic waste that enters them, in addition to cleaning the lymphatic system and transforming parasites into divine energy.
Examples of Fasting:
Juicing: It is best to do cold pressed juice if that is available for you. Have your juice be as clean as possible. Fruit only juice will do the most. Adding vegetables to your juices will slow down the process. When juicing or any fast, slowing down the process may be necessary to be able to function within the matrix life or engage with others. When one wants to increase the process, move more into fruit only. Does juicing include smoothies? No, smoothies are thicker and think with the thickness this will slow down the process. If could still do a fast with smoothies too, though keep in mind, this slows down the waste elimination process. Smoothies could help someone who experiences extreme mental anguish and needs to slow down the process to function in the matrix life.
Water Fast: Fasting could be just drinking water. This process is more increased than fruit juice only. If one needs to slow down the process add fruit juice.
Dry Fasting: Removing all consumption. No Water, No Juice, No Food. Just breathing. It is necessary to have in-depth breathing practices and to have a strong mental focus. It is necessary to practice with other fasting techniques prior to embarking on the dry fasting journey. Dry fasting is amazing, in my opinion, though very advanced and could cause one harm if not done with care and knowledge and wisdom.
Conscious Consuming of Food: Meaning that you only allow yourself to eat one meal a day as an example. You are focused when you are eating and not doing anything else and not watching TV or reading - you are focused on your food, eat bite, the chewing in your mouth, how it feels going down from your mouth to your belly. Is it chewed enough? Is your jaw getting sore? Are you bored? Are you eating more than you need to?
Fasting is a three-bodies process (physical (body/vessel), Mental (mind and brain), and Spiritual (Invisible and Visible integrated in the body), go into this with the knowing to practice meditation, and spending much time with self in reflection. I would also recommend journaling the experience.
Time frame: Could be 1 day, 3 days, 21 days, 30 days, 45 days, 60 days, a Season (90 to 180 days) or more permanent.
Reasons for Fasting: Heal something in the body, mental clarity, better one’s physical performance, enhanced the direct connection with God force to help activate the higher-self to bring more clarity to their path so that they’re not so trapped and dependent on these 3-D obligations that often create stress, anxiety and more emptiness disconnected from nature and lay host to parasitic consciousness both physical and invisible.
If you’re trying to heal your physical body/vessel take time to fast as it’s essential to conserve energy so that the body can go deep within to repair the old stagnant damages. If you are feeling blocked regarding your intuition and trying to find direction in life then fast because energy is consciousness and when you conserve energy then consciousness will be received from divine god within.
Fasting is part of life and grounding is also part of life (I connect my spirit to be my body and I ground my body to the earth). If you don’t nourish your mind and your soul and allow your body to rest and ground then you’ll lack the ability to be able to tap into his divine energy that goes above and beyond the mundane food energy. Fruit is energetic but processing chemistry doesn’t promote energy to where it’s going to better assist your mind and spirit. Digestion and processing take energy away from the body/vessel it doesn’t provide energy. Those in a lower vibrational frequency may get some energy from food, but not enough to align with divine consciousness and the dependence or addiction to the food consumption blocks one from connecting to divinity and creates conditions best for parasitic entities to host themselves in your body/vessel and create portals to invisible entities to harvest life-force from you. Earth has good food sources with high electromagnetic energy when it comes to consuming food and that is the fruits (apples), berries, and melons.
Regardless of where you are in your food consumption fasting can be helpful and if your food consumption is more on the toxic side then I wouldn’t recommend jumping into dry or water fasting to start, rather allow yourself to get used to intermittent fasting; which, for example could mean that you would stay on liquids all day and only consume one meal a day and work your way up to extended liquid fasting and start with smoothie, fruit and vegetable juice first and then work up to fruit juice only and then the water fasting down. Then eventually, dry fasting when the body gets more clean, hydrated and alkalized. Fasting promotes detoxification so you must be aware of what’s going to take place within your physical body.
I recommend to fast from consuming dead animals permanently, this is not an act of kindness that takes away elevation to higher states of awareness and consciousness. No judgement here, as I comprehend some can get defensive and the parasitic consciousness thrives on dead animal meat energies and infiltrate the mind to ignore this non-sense. I used to consume meat on a daily basis for approximately thirty-five years and fasted my way out of meat consumption.
A colon that is full of waste, undigested food, and harmful substances can have a significant impact on the body. This buildup, also known as mucoid plaque, can cause a range of problems, including decreased absorption of nutrients and impaired organ function. The accumulation of waste and toxins in the colon can put a strain on the liver, pancreas, adrenal glands, and numerous other systems - leading to fatigue, weakness, and low energy levels.
In addition, parasites and other harmful organisms can thrive in a clogged colon, causing bloating, gas, abdominal discomfort, and damaging the gut lining and poisoning your own blood. These parasites also create portals to invisible realms and create contracts of harvesting of life-force from your being (soul, creative, and physical energies).
To maintain optimal health, it is important to regularly cleanse the colon. The poop that comes out of the body is profound, it can be extremely toxic poop and contain undigested food particles, parasites, can be (will be) stinky, and mucoid plaque can accumulate in our colon over time, affecting our overall health and well-being.
The lymphatic system acts as your septic system. It provides protection for cells and remove wastes. Cells eat and excrete like you do, only on a much smaller scale. The blood carries the nutrition and fuels to the cells, and your lymph system removes the by-products and wastes caused from metabolizing these nutrients and fuels. The lymph system consists of the lymph fluid, lymph vessels, lymph nodes, spleen and the thymus gland.
If one consumptions of foods is predominantly acid forming, then the hormones become out of balance, the food then ferments and putrefies instead of properly digesting, and excessive mucus and inflammation is produced. The blood becomes toxic and the lymphatic system becomes clogged. This is “disease” Dis-Ease.
An alkaline body is toxic free, and clean—internally, as well as externally. This creates true health and vitality.
An approximate example of what happens in the body when fasting:
72 hour fast
Digestive system a break.
Approximate hours - results vary by each being.
6 Hours: Sugar Drop.
Insulin levels start to stabilize, and your body begins burning stored sugar for energy.
12 Hours: Fat Burn Begins.
Your body enters a metabolic state called ketosis, shifting from carbs to burning fat.
18 Hours: Autophagy Alert.
Cells initiate a deep cleaning process, rejuvenating and repairing from the inside out.
24 Hours: Gut Glow-up.
Your entire digestive system gets a revamp as stem cells rush in to mend and refresh.
48 Hours: Dopamine Dive.
Your brain's dopamine system reboots, recharging motivation and elevating mood.
72 Hours: Immunity Ignition.
A full-scale immune system overhaul powers up, readying you against invaders.
“The laws that be insist I mention some things here: One should use their own best judgements of self and guidance.
The societal systems want you to know that this information is not intended to be a substitute for professional western medicine of the American Medial Association medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. If you go to a physician and utilize their medicine or programs then it may be best to seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions about your medical condition.”