(Summary: whats going on, some suggestions and recommendations, and update about EIE sharings (free)).
Do your best to not let the 99 percent population of NPCs distract you.
Earth beings with souls are ascending, in this now space (now - 3 year stretch - unique for each). (The world as we knew has been ending in layers 1987 - 1999 - 2012 - 2017 - Split - gates of hell wide open and free-for-all as we ascend the third dimensional earth realm. 2022 and 2023 final touches for those in divine mastery (like doctorates degrees) - 2024 final exams and graduations.). What’s next? That is infinite and cannot be comprehended from this perspective, though I can tell you, it is unlimited, it is infinite, it is unimaginable from this perspective (which is why we must let go of limitation and finite perspectives).).
This time is most important to know thyself and be of the cognition of what is occurring and the numerous challenges and distractions working to pull human-beings with souls into a underworld of further dark studies and amnesia of confusion and distractions; there is a light path to complete and graduate from the dark duality of amnesia and to ascend in-return to the realms from which the divine knowing version of you came to earth school in the love, divinity and light of collective god-self (aka higher self).
There are strong parasitic invisible and visible beings working diligently and with clever manipulations to persuade humans with souls into allowing their soul energy to be harvested and used for dark agendas and there are also numerous beings of light and love sharing divine open heart divine centered inspiration of inner knowing of clarity and love and wealth and great joy. (Side note - know that your soul is always safe and love and divine and is never in any danger and there is nothing to fear - this is like a simulation and you are safe). You came to experience and master this process for self.
Earth is in the final exam phase. It is like, no cheating and look at another’s paper so divine light beings feel distance because of this final exam time - you are not alone and you have not been abandoned. You/We are graduating and ascending from darkness back into light.
Much of letting go of addictions and habits. Much of letting go of beLIEves. Much of letting go of traditions. Much of letting go of matrix friends and family - know your friends and family are on the other side of the veil. Most of your friends and family have already left planet earth and their bodies are NPCs; you”ll notice they are “very” different than they used to be. You’ll go insane trying to rationalize with a third dimensional mind-set what is occurring. Surrender to divine love of your higher self from within.
Some things you can do to help through this process: Ease, meditate, breathe, exercise, spend time in nature, be in alone space, get out of the cities if you can and get in nature, be mindful of language, be mindful of what you are listening to, be mindful of what you are watching, be mindful of the NPCs your spending your time with, chose wisely. Change is necessary. Much perceived giving up things is necessary. Again, much letting go of addictions and hold habits are necessary. Much perceived suffering and agony is at hand as we let go of the limited and allow ourselves to go through the blind eye of the needle into the unlimited (aka infinite) space-time of our divine loving god-self - ascending out of darkness.
The Third Dimension of earth realm is not meant to and cannot be saved. You are to leave it behind. Understand that the chaos is to be short lived, as you near the day of transcending the old world, and emerging into a new realm of love and light. You ascend to another world, when you let go of this one in a divine loving and completion way and not in a fear based running away from way.
The Energy is Everything EIE dot com website has made all material free. Most of the “materials” are within the “Academy” section. We do ask you to be generous with gifts and donations if you have wealth and abundance to do so - what goes around comes around. Session space, which we are being very selective with beings we conduct session space has no cost and just a gift of appreciation/donation of your alignment after the session is complete. More details on website - navigate the website with patience and carefulness and explore it all. Website is actively being updated by me (Gage), so keep checking in.
The EIE website contains more, in details articles, blogs, courses and more of navigating and learning - you have to work through the parasites in your body and mind that want to stop you from using the website and excuses not to. They fog and clog your brain and distract you to do other things. What is more important than your divine ascension? Do you have enough evidence in the third dimensional earth realm that the society has ended and that life of divine god-self is here and now?
Much divine, compassion and humble respect to all beings of earth and astral during this time. In my perspective - This has been amazing, agonizing, a struggle, scary, heart-felt, divine, adventurous, heart-breaking, enlightening, and an unknown something of expansion.
Namaste and Divine,