Every instant is a gift, offering you the chance to start anew. Realize that right where you stand is the perfect place to commence. No prior arrangements are necessary for achieving greatness. This very moment is ripe and ideal for your journey towards excellence.
Society has ingrained a belief in you that you're insufficient. This belief is utterly unfounded, and recognizing this is crucial to avoid undermining your own efforts and aspirations. It's common to abandon projects midway, fearing that they don't merit others' attention. This self-doubt, fueled by a culture of relentless competition and comparison, hinders many from recognizing their true potential.
The opportunity that lies before you is one that enables progress without a rigid plan. Simply setting your intention is enough to pave the way to success. By choosing a path illuminated by light, your goals will inherently embody integrity, guiding you to favorable outcomes.
Release the notion of needing to be flawless. Embrace the journey of learning and growth, for every error teaches a valuable lesson, propelling you towards becoming the best version of yourself.
Shed feelings of jealousy and envy, as the soul recognizes no competition. Accept yourself—your perceived imperfections, your age, your body. You are a beacon of light, a warrior in this cosmic journey. Acknowledge your achievements in this life's journey; you are, without a doubt, sufficient and luminous.
Those who vibrate at high frequencies have navigated numerous challenges to reach a state of heightened awareness. Deviations from the path of light are natural. The deeper the stumble, the more profound the resurgence, fortified by the lessons learned from each hurdle.
Inhale deeply. You embody all that is virtuous. Recall your essence!
Your subconscious is a powerful ally. It dictates every aspect of your earthly existence. Seize the power to reshape your thoughts, aligning them with frequencies that uplift and benefit you. The spiritual realm awaits your awakening to your inner luminosity and judicious choices.
Opt for peace, and it will enrich every moment. Peace is a dynamic expression of love, a frequency you inherently possess and can activate at will. It's a choice that, once made, radiates and sustains indefinitely. Peace is the essence of your being; uncover this treasure and hold it dearly. This principle is cherished in elevated states of existence.
Furthermore, I encourage you to envelop yourself in a sphere of light. Let this luminosity serve as a constant guardian. Your spiritual intuition will alert you to any breaches by darkness. You possess the authority to mend and fortify your aura, commanding the retreat of any malevolence. The maintenance of your energy is within your control.
There's no wrong time to start anew.
My love joins you in every moment of affection.
Sheen guides us as we usher in the New Earth.
In the end, we find a new beginning.
Writing inspired from AYA channeled sharing, shared by Kab “Never Too Late”