Parasitic entities feed on fear, trauma, scarcity, greed, and lower vibrational energies. These entities, both visible and invisible, invade and take over living beings, including humans, reptilians, animals, and shapeshifting beings. They orchestrate the world to be filled with fear and nonsense, turning it into their feeding ground, much like herding sheep to slaughter. They will never leave a place (or person) where there is trauma, fear, greed, etc.
The best way to deal with dark parasitic entities is to heal one’s trauma, overcome fear, and eliminate greed and scarcity by embracing the knowledge that we are abundant. Be in nature, walk barefoot in nature, hug a tree. This will cut off their supply chain, forcing them to leave.
Is this easy? In my experience, it has been the most difficult and challenging journey of my existence. At times, it has felt lonely, as I have been constantly attacked and mentally bombarded with escalating thoughts of victimhood and suffering. Much of the physical pain I’ve experienced is the result of these parasites creating misery to feed on.
Engaging with others and all their many parasites, and my own, and their and my ignorance to much of the possessions, which created deeper victimhood mentality; why are they saying that or why are they doing that? Why are they mean to me? Why do they belittle me? All while the true version of who I am engaging with most likely has no idea of what the possessions of parasites are doing through their vessel, air-space and astral field. Then, as I recognize more in “them” I also see deeper the parasites in me and the havoc the parasites in me have been causing through me and on my behalf, in my ignorance of their actions.
Engaging the parasites is a massive battle for which eventually, I learned battling them is useless, they thrive on conflict and it being best to know they exist, be aware of them, though not to engage in their non-sense and instead focus on my joy, my love, my divinity in the now space. Know the possessions and parasites are there and to rise above them, not in judgement, rather in completion of the lesson/teaching. To graduate and be complete - done!
In my journey, I meditate, command my vessel, focus on divine love, and cultivate feelings of joy and abundance. I spend time in nature, I walk barefoot outside, I sit by water, I focus being present with myself. I consciously breathe. I engage in constructive activities for where I am in my evolutionary journey. I engage with others who are in a knowing to share wisdom on my path. I actively stop the train wreck of destructive thoughts, knowing they are not truly mine.
I refuse to succumb to victimhood. Instead of asking, "Why me? Why am I here in perpetual suffering? Why am I a host to these mean and nasty parasites?" I shift my perspective. I consider how a cow views the human eating a steak or how a hunted fox or deer views the human. Parasites are just surviving. Why were they created? I discovered that they exist for me to learn and grow in this dense reality.
It’s complex, but I can better comprehend and feel joy when I stop whining and face my fears head-on, healing from my traumas. I stop trying to fit in with those possessed by parasites, who create a feeding ground of misery. I choose not to play the misery game and refrain from judging those possessed by parasites. I love everyone, though sometimes from a distance. I found I had to distance myself from numerous friends, family, clients, and colleagues because the gap between where I was in my journey and where they were in theirs was too great, and staying close was harmful to us both.