In my current knowledge and experience in this realm.....The NPC knows not on a conscious level of what it is, like in the movie "Free Guy". A NPC does not care to question its existence beyond doing its mundane tasks. The human-being can question and go beyond the mundane of the control-matrix programs and align to the divine soul being of the origin of the divine god self.
Much of the energy harvest matrix system is designed to persuade human-beings to conform to the harvest and give into the structures of mundane, suffering, war, poverty, lack, greed, struggle and fear. The NPC is used to normalize particular behaviors and get humans to conform; to create a perception that the majority are doing something a particular way, so it is okay for me, as a human, to do this same thing too.
On my journey, at times, it has appeared overwhelming and scary to come face-to-face with the reality of this earth realm and the reality of the numbers of NPCs, non-playable characters and entities of the astral realm yielding their influence in the physical world and the perceived reality of existence. This picture below is a representation of the ratio of human-beings to that of machines and entity controlled influencers (10 million to 1). NPCs appear much like a human and most of them think they are human themselves, yet NPCs are not capable of evolving past a particular point in evolution, NPCs are not capable of unique thought and they cannot question their reality or existence; NPCs just do as they are told or feel what is right to do and follow the rules and laws of the matrix from the astral realms and question things no further. Human could be influenced to do the same based on the numbers factor of so many "others" appear to do the same thing.
Numerous things are done from the astral to the human to impact the human's memory, mental state, physical body and creations - so to in order to keep the matrix system alive; yes the matrix get's its fuel from humans, humans are the batteries for the matrix's survival, like in the movie the "Matrix". Again, one must work past their fear and freak out moments to be capable to comprehend this reality and work through the be-lie-f of the perceived world and move into the reality of this experience of earth. For me it has been helpful to remember I am a spirit from another place and this life is an experience through an avatar and this is not who I am, this is an experience, of which I have many experience, to deeper comprehend something and to evolve my spiritual being-ness in some way.
I find this is all about keeping one’s balance while going through the peeling of the onion of the layers of reality. A lot of unlearning and learning a new of the system, machines, astral, entities, spells, magic, creation and just how powerful each human being is. If you’re still reading, that is you, a human being. How much soul each human has at a particular point and time is measurable and could be very little to a lot, it depends on the consciousness, thoughts, words and actions.
Study of self is divinely important in this journey. However the study comes to self, engage the study of self, the most important thing in life, is to know thyself. The matrix and it’s systems of fear is the opposite of everything one is. That is part of the teaching and evolution at this particular time and that is evolving in this now space to a more light divine existence and experience. Are you aware of the shift and the changes or caught up in trying to fit into the mundane of the NPC web of energy harvest and soul energy theft? Know thyself.
Know Thyself
The journey of knowledge has numerous roads. A road of consideration is the Wizard’s Club & Academy (WCA), while it exists on this plane of existence. Maybe your journey will lead you to study with us in the WCA or another journey. Where ever or what ever your journey is, have the journey of self mastery and knowing thyself, if that aligns with your being. If that feels like non-sense, then go on and be in your lovely space of day to day. To each their own.