Perception That Every Being, Are Versions of Ourselves on Other Timelines - Personal Share

[I am playing with the perception that every being, are versions of ourselves on other timelines.  
This has been very helpful in understanding some of the pedophilia, and satanic ritual type paths.  
These things are at first quite disturbing, but as I took that journey of the other self, I can feel what it is like and understand different behaviors on a NEW LEVEL. I can feel the pleasures and addiction to avoiding the pains of being a human. Connecting this way allows us to heal these human patterns from the comfort of our own lives, from a safe space. If we choose to consciously ignore these paths, and shy away from our own guidance to really walk a mile in their shoes, we may end up confronting that reality in a different and less casual way. We could have a child that gets abducted, we could end up being seduced by a path of darkness and then have to face the music in real time real jail. When I began to decipher the path of these other selves I realized that the SEDUCTION runs DEEP, and begins with promises of the "high life." Seduced by the fancy cars, travel, connections, and the biggest one FINANCIAL FREEDOM. You can do what you want... BE ABOVE THE LAW...
I cringe when I hear the phrase "That person is DARK." They could have been seduced! They don't have to stay seduced! I am also feeling this inspiration to remove the negative connotation with darkness. This is a CHOICE, and it is easier to get in, than to get out so be patient with the darker versions of ourselves.  
We have all been on BOTH sides of every situation. Were we acting out of fear? That is the path of darkness... is that necessarily a negative? I don't feel it is.  
Were we acting out of love? That is the path of the light. As many are awakening to these other paths I invite you to go inward and really feel these other paths, these are paths which take time to allow into our personal bubble since we may be so highly triggered by them. On the flip side of it though you will be able to confront more and more of the paths of the darker versions of the self, and you will be able to HEAL more of the paths of the darker versions of ourselves. THIS IS KARMIC CLEARING!! USE the gifts of these paths to heal our ancestral "baggage."  
FOR-GIVE yourself for being seduced in these other lives, FOR-GIVE yourself for judging it in this life.  
If you feel highly triggered by something USE that bit of data to dive in to the matrix of your own fears, feel the sinister and mischievous elite inside of you that is trying to hide behind the protest sign of judgement.  
It will be confusing, that's ok... You may feel the pleasures of these dark paths while on this journey, just know that this is only for you to have this experience. It does NOT mean you are a pedophile, or that you are OK with torturing another human. It only means that you admit to being part of the WHOLE, on this timeline and all the other infinite possibilities and paths out there, and it means you are willing to accept the responsibility of healing the wreckage of your multi-dimensional actions.

This is a journey which is best taken with the assistance of a coach or healer. I am excited to help assist others in this journey of freedom among the ONE. Feel free to message me (or your coach!) if you are tired of being triggered and turning the blind eye to the posts involving the dark paths on planet Earth.

With Love,


Question that followed with further explanation:

Question: I’m not sure I follow your post. Especially as it pertains to pedophilia which sorry to judge but doesn’t sit well with me. Can you elaborate so I understand?

Answer (Casey): So we must get to a place of loving even those who are the most challenging to love for example a pedophile. If we maintain this cycle of hate punish, victim victimizer we have no chance of creating a world free of such evils. Does that make sense?? This is such an important thing as so many disclosures are coming out about what happens in these secret circles where children are tormented and abused in unthinkable ways. This is an ADVANCED method of creation, and it takes so much time of actually facing the horrors and learning about these paths to get to this point. If we continue to pour so much of our creative energy into how sick and disgusting and etc etc these people are we are in turn creating more and more of this. Forgiveness of the self, for in previous lives we have done the worst of the worst things. Forgiveness of others, they know not what they do, we are all one. Love of self and live for others (our other selves). This has taken me years of exploration and learning outside of the hypnotic day to day grind to discover. This could be really far out if you haven’t been in my headspace!! But just know, I’m not for pedophilia in any means, in this life I am choosing to heal that pattern by forgiving those who molested me when I was just a child, and realizing that I was possibly the molester in a previous life or plane of existence. Feel free to message me if you have more questions I will do my best to show you how I’ve come to this knowing.

Questioner Response: Thank you so much Casey for being patient enough to explain. If you can heal those doing evil bless your heart that’s an amazing gift. Is there a proper term for this healing? I want to read more about it.

Follow Up from (Casey): It is a healing that is going on all around us almost non stop these days. There are energies that are new to the planet, it’s a vibration/frequency called the Schumann Resonance. As this frequency rises pieces of ourselves which may have been suppressed or blocked because we couldn’t, or didn’t want to face at an earlier time begin to surface. It can seem like people are going crazy!Those who are aware of this change can recognize that these memories are coming back so we can process through them. This is healing. When you get to the point in your processing of that event that you can with all your heart forgive yourself and the others involved and even visualize your selves hugging it out afterward, the trauma can be released from wherever it is stored in the body. I know for me lots of the sexual abuse was tightness in my hips and inner thighs. Once I could release my emotional distress over that situation the body will respond and will release pains tightness disease whatever might be linked to that. I think researching emotional healing, emotions stored in the body, the 5 or 7 stages of grieving (can’t remember the number!) these along with a little study about ascension should get you going. It’s really fascinating I love learning more about it so if you find something cool about it message me!! May you be blessed and in bliss on your journey.]