[Written By: Casey and Gage
I recently read a book on how using recreational drugs affects your spiritual journey, and I must say, it has sent me in to a bit of a headspin! Using a drug like methamphetamine it is somewhat easy to see that, the act of using the drug regularly over a period of time will have devastating consequences on spiritual growth. Knowing what I have learned about the human energy system drugs like meth and cocaine will over stimulate the sexual and ego energy centers within the body bringing spirituality to a screeching halt.
The use of Marijuana, or LSD, magic mushrooms, or DMT however, I believed to be of great value to the individual who is searching for an understanding outside the great matrix of the “normal reality” consumerist business slave ship.
Bill Wilson the creator of Alcoholoics Anonymous used LSD while in the VA hospital to assist his spiritual growth (which he believed would help his depression) in the 1950’s, leading to many breakthroughs such as this article: “The Next Frontier: Emotional Sobriety” published shortly after his LSD sessions. The insights he gained during his highly controlled and professionally supervised trips enabled him to more deeply understand the emotional baggage that he had been carrying from childhood. I emphasize the HIGHLY CONTROLLED portion of that statement. These drugs are powerful and can open your soul up to be intruded upon by entities of a dark nature. These trips should only be done with a knowledgeable shaman familiar with LSD, Mushrooms, Ayahuasca, DMT, Marijuana or whatever you plan to use. The ancients used these substances of consciousness expansion in sacred rituals in a well known group, setting a clear intention. Peoples of the tribe would get together, some to engage in the “trip” others to be there in support of the safety of the group. Safety from both the physical and non-physical threats.
Gage mentioned this analogy which really makes sense. You can hear a bunch of surfers talk about how amazing it is to go surfing, and to be in the ocean, riding the surf provided by our mother Earth. Hearing this, one might simply go grab a board, and head out trying to achieve the high that the surfers spoke about. Without the knowledge of rip tides and basic ocean safety this could be a DISASTER!! Much like the use of a psychedelic, surfing has some serious life threatening dangers. It would be better to go out and surf with those who have knowledge and experience, I suggest doing the same when embarking on a drug induced therapy session. Research, and find the right shaman. Set your clear intention prior to taking the substance and make sure you know what you are asking for!!
After reading this book, I had instantly wished I could have had this information prior to deciding to use ANY substance. This is what inspired me to put this together. To help educate my brothers and sisters in their spiritual journey.
But what about the drugs that are more widely socially acceptable such as alcohol, marijuana, caffeine, and sugar?? What happens when a person becomes addicted to these substances? This book has spoken many things which seem to resonate within this soul, and apply to substances of all sorts not just psychedelics. Here are a few quotes which I wanted to share…
“Repeated use transports users to the lower levels of the astral plane, here the user gets hooked and corded by astral entities in need of their energies to survive thus creating an addiction. These entities have a consciousness of their own. They are real and alive, living in low energy consciousness that becomes more and more aggressive in their attempt to gain control of the user.”
“These entities attach to the emotional body and produce cravings in the emotional body in order to survive. Cravings are the fundamental root of addiction created by the entities of the astral plane. Most often these cravings are felt in the solar plexus area. They cling to you and torture you emotionally to incite you to digest more. The addiction comes not so much from the plant itself, but from the entities who attach themselves to those using the substances.”
“The original use of the marijuana was to eat a small portion of the leaves from the living plant. The plant was never meant to be smoked, or refined in any way.”
“The original marijuana, and peyote was of a high vibrational energy, intended to enhance telepathic abilities, as well as the gifts of clairaudience, clairvoyance, psychometry, and other spiritual abilities. This original plant has been hijacked and replaced with a variety which has been treated with black magic and given a lower vibrational energy. The original species is no longer available to us. What we have now is a low vibration consciousness-altering plant. The black magicians (aka Dark Forces) brilliantly altered the vibrations of the original plants to create a tearing effect in the soul and a greater separation from Source.”
“Drug usage illustrates an attempt to find outside oneself the jewels and the Love that can only be found within the self through the love of self that beats in the heart.”
“Prolonged drug use creates a weakening and tearing and misalignment of the chakra system”
“Addiction and drug use were created on our planet as a plot of the dark forces”
“Those who are not inhaling this energy through their lungs, but choose to hang out in the vibration of those engaging in drug use will lower their own levels of vibration, at least temporarily.” This one blew my mind, even though we may not be drinking or smoking we go to a place where these actions occur, our awareness needs to be on keeping our vibration up at all times, and staying in our own vibration. One of the issues I have had in the past is getting swept away by someone’s momentum leading to an “exciting” yet destructive path.
After reading each of these points I was taken back in time to situations in which these things became noticeable. I could even hear and feel the entities taunting me to have another drink, do another line, or take another pill… So real and so scary to think what I was getting involved in, thinking that I was just partying, “you only live once”, “have fun, play hard”, “you work hard you deserve this” kinds of thoughts popped in. The immediate rush of the fun and sensations of the high would flood my body and I hadn’t even taken anything yet! It can be extremely hard to resist those types of stimulation. Know who you are, FEEL where your urges and guidance is coming from. Are they coming from a place of wisdom and love? Or are you trying to escape anxiety and depression. When you celebrate, are you celebrating with joy, or are you “blowing off some steam?”
My opinion prior to reading this material was that these substances could indeed boost a user to a different understanding of human consciousness, and that the spiritual understanding of that user could benefit from this experience, and to some extent this is true. There are other consequences from the use of these substances which reach far beyond MY understanding of dimensions and entities.
After reading the book I really had wished that I could have had this knowledge prior to making a decision to use ANY substance. Knowing how this works on a soul level is very important.
You can buy the book HERE,
Here are some notes that I found to be of interest:
The original marijuana, and peyote was of a high vibrational energy, intended to enhance telepathic abilities, as well as the gifts of clairaudience, clairvoyance, psychometry, and other spiritual abilities. This original plant has been hijacked and replaced with a variety which has been treated with black magic and given a lower vibrational energy. The original species is no longer available to us. What we have now is a low vibration consciousness-altering plant. The black magicians (aka Dark Forces brilliantly altered the vibrations of the original plants to create a tearing effect in the soul and a greater separation from Source.
The original use of the marijuana was to eat a small portion of the leaves from the living plant.
Repeated use transports users to the lower levels of the astral plane, here the user gets hooked and corded by astral entities in need of their energies to survive thus creating an addiction. These entities have a consciousness of their own. They are real and alive, living in low energy consciousness that becomes more and more aggressive in their attempt to gain control of the user.
These entities attach to the emotional body and produce cravings in the emotional body in order to survive! Cravings are the fundamental root of addiction created by the entities of the astral plane. Most often these cravings are felt in the solar plexus area. They cling to you and torture you emotionally to incite you to digest more. The addiction comes not so much from the plant itself, but from the entities who attach themselves to those using the substances.
Drug usage illustrates an attempt to find outside oneself the jewels and the Love that can only be found within the self through the love of self that beats in the heart.
The grasses that are grown and the chemical substances that are produced today for mindl altering purposes are totally unnatural to the soul, the physical body, the mind, and the emotional body. These substances create distortions in these bodies that can take a very long time to correct, even several lifetimes
Genetically drug usage can create repercussions in the progeny for two to three generations, which may manifest as various kinds of physical, emotional or mental weakness. Children born into families with such inherited problems may be souls who are choosing this type of situation to resolve unfinished Karma from addictions in past incarnations.
Those who use recreational drugs for a long period of time and fail to fulfill their present life contract will most likely lose the privilege of a strong healthy body in the next incarnation.
Drugs tear down the protective sheath of the soul, known as the subtle body.
The astral plane presents the illusion of a world of beauty and pleasure that can be very seductive to the soul, but not aligned with the soul path. It projects all the deceptions of human consciousness, at times very well camouflaged, creating illusions that appear much better than they really are. The astral plane is always devious, distorted, alluring and deceitful.
Prolonged drug use creates a weakening and tearing and misalignment of the chakra system
Meditation and listening to the guidance given when intending to clear karma is the path to “saving” this experience on the planet this lifetime. The gifts of grace are given to those who embrace the inspired actions offered during meditation and daily life.
Addiction and drug use were created on our planet as a plot of the dark forces
Those who are not inhaling this energy through their lungs, but choose to hang out in the vibration of those engaging in drug use will lower their own levels of vibration, at least temporarily.
Added by Gage from here
Casey was hesitant to share this article because of the medical benefits that some receive from using marijuana, as an example. We both read this book and I channeled the book. The person who shared the information in this book was filtering through their own limitations, the overall message is authentic but it is not complete and has some wobbles (what I refer to as not 100% true and could be presented better or with more).
I've received, via channel, that the user of marijuana and other medicinal drugs can ingest these substances in an effort to curb physical pain and to aide in the healing of dis-eases; also that the use of medicinal drugs is more involved, in understanding, than just being black and white, its more like a prism of colors; I'll explain. Though the medicine has dark magic manipulation to the seeds and in its energetic properties, thus corrupting the medicines high vibration by its nature, a high vibration of intention and love can change this dark manipulated vibration and raise it to a higher vibration and possibly to its original energetic and vibrational intent or very close to it. This is where ceremony comes in, if a ceremony and prayer of authentic love and authentic intention of healing is placed into the drugs medicine, the medicine will benefit, as the intention is set and the spiritual consequences would be none to minimal. Along with these medicinal drugs, it is important that the person consuming these also work on the dis-ease emotionally and at the core of their being, as the medicinal drugs are not be used on a regular basis or in a habit form and more to be used as a tool in order to make it possible for the human to heal at the foundation.
As the spiritual benefits of psychoactive components of some drugs can bring about spiritual uplifting experiences, like shared in this article: Tuning Into the Frequency of Cannabis , these experiences, where helpful, need to be strongly considered and carefully used. The realms for which these drugs take us are not safe for the novice and the dark energies in these realms are deceiving and manipulative. You can experience great benefits, but those benefits come at a high cost to your Soul. You are sharing the energy with everyone and all their entities which are consuming the same drug anywhere on this planet, the collective grid, as it is all connected. You are also bringing your energy into a realm for which dark magicians have corrupted and thus a guide is highly recommended to help you navigate this realm and help keep your auric field as protected as possible.
Healing from the past use of recreational drugs is possible through meditation, study, love, forgiveness and compassion. Obtaining spiritual awakening is possible without recreational drugs is also possible or the use of these drugs in ceremony with an authentic Shaman can also be done, you will need to trust your intuition and heart when working with a Shaman. ]