[Dearest Soul Family,
Mount Shasta, California United States
I (Gage) share this information, you're about to read, because I love you, I love Gaia (Earth), I love our experience and I believe we all deserve to know the truth and be free sovereign beings. The Truth Will Set You Free, means just that. Know the truth, love yourself and others, have compassion for yourself and others and forgive ALL, yes all. Then, let go of all that you're holding on to from the past, let it be the past, there is no need to hold onto the past. Move forward with your authentic desire, which it is hard to know what you or I authentically desires while we are being manipulated, brainwashed and tricked constantly by those who we thought had our best interest at heart. This is why I share these truths. I do not want anything from you, I want nothing in exchange from you. Just love yourself and be authentic to yourself. I do offer one on one private sessions, though I only offer these for those who want-need assistance with their awakening and authenticity of themselves, this journey can be done using your own inner guidance system and there is no requirement that someone else is needed or that a private one on one session is needed. If a private one on one session or group session is wanted-needed, reach out and we can discuss; an exchange is welcomed and appreciated but is not required, if you are authentic in your journey and cannot exchange that is okay, as my time with you is given with no expectation of a return, other than that you are authentic in your journey of self. A link to read about me and how I work is at the bottom of this article.
The world is a beautiful place, but it could (was) also be filled with [terrible] pain and suffering. Most people put this down to 'human nature'. The truth is, almost all of us (humans) want to live peaceful, loving and abundant lives. It is helpful, in order to step out of suffering and into authentic self, to realize that evil that goes on in the world is by design. The world (was)is run by several gangs of psychopaths who believe(d) they are (were) gods, and the rest of humanity (was) is destined to be their slaves. They have(had) access to advance technology and work(ed) with negative extraterrestrial races, an alliance called the Annunaki, who have(had) manipulated humanities DNA to be imperfect, by design. Though a fact I have learned is that love can overcome anything. Love is very powerful. We humans are very powerful, though we have to remember who we are to have any claim to our power.
I am writing this because for most of my life, I have seen and felt things most others do not (had not) and out of fear of being different or not accepted I kept quiet about what I saw and/or felt. I have researched and connected the dots which link all the biggest questions in life. Who are we? Where did we come from? Why are we here? etc... I do not claim to know all the answers, but one thing is for certain, things are never as they seem. I’ve also learned that absolutes rarely serve us, though ‘never’ was a carefully chosen word in the last sentence.
We are(were) living in turbulent times, and it is of utmost importance to have the opportunity to see the big picture for each one’s own self. I understand that the majority of the public is(was) too [pre]occupied with their “personal” lives to take the time to look into a deeper narrative of existence, and many simply aren't ready to take it in. Some of you may think I'm a crazy conspiracy nut, but that's fine, because I will at least have the peace of mind that I did my part in sharing these truths with the ones I love. Whether you accept or reject this information is entirely your choice.
There is so much that is(was) hidden from us(humanity), the public. We are(were) constantly being lied to by the media, and the ones we call 'leaders'. They craft(ed) stories to make us(humanity) afraid and turn on each other. They divide(d) through borders, religions, races, sexual orientations, and every other possible way they can(could) think of. They influenced humanity hate each other, in order to control humanity and keep this simple truth hidden from humanity. We are all human. We all feel love and pain. Divided, we are weak, but together, we are strong.
We are(were) at a pivotal point in history. It was not publicly discussed or shared, though WW3 had already began behind closed doors. In the coming months and years, humanity will see more “celebrities” and “high ranking” politicians be exposed for atrocious crimes. We have already begun to see human-trafficking and pedophile rings exposed and I foresee much more of that in the future. It will be enlightening to learn that it isn't creepy weirdos on the dark web that are behind it, but the highest “officials” of “governments”, the Hollywood and music industries, and the Catholic church.
But this is only one of the many issues which will come to light in the next few years...
The story of humanity is much older than what is(was) written in textbooks at the time. We have been visited and assisted by extra-terrestrial civilizations since the dawn of time. The governments have also worked with such civilizations since before WW2. Trillions of dollars have been stolen from the public and poured into secret programs to develop technology far beyond what is available to us today. We already have free energy technology which could provide power to the entire world without harming the environment. Space technology that enables travel beyond the milky way solar system already exists, and was hidden from humanity at the time. But these amazing technologies are(were) being used for selfish and sinister purposes.
Modern “hellthcare”[healthcare] is upside down, it is hell-to-care, a management system to keep vessels weak so spirit cannot can conscious control of the vessel. We already have cures for every single dis-ease that exists, though vibrant strong people don't make good slaves, so they fill(ed) humanity with pills and harmful treatments. They keep(kept) humanity docile and numb, while humanity keep(kept) paying for these treatments because humanity feel(felt) like there were not other options (as they were suppressed and censored and mocked).
The food is(was) poisoned with pesticides and insecticides. Steroids and numerous other chemicals. These make(made) humanity sick, and force(d) humanity to pay money to see a doctor which will(would) give one drugs to ease the symptoms, rather than giving one the necessary knowledge to prevent the one (human) from getting sick in the first place. The water is(was) also poisoned with chemicals such as fluoride, which dumb down the being having said chemicals, and they convince(d) humans that it's good for your teeth.
The war on drugs is a joke. The CIA and other government organizations are in direct collaboration with drug cartels. They keep(kept) people addicted and keep making money. The CIA has started to be neutralized.
Vaccines are filled with heavy metals and other chemicals which have been proven to cause long term health issues such as autism and allergies. The truth is they are not meant to prevent humanity from getting sick. It's just another method used to control humanity from the moment humans are born. Dozens of doctors who have proven this have mysteriously disappeared or 'committed suicide'. Bless them. -Thank you
I'm sure most of you know that we are(were) constantly being recorded and monitored by 'security agencies'. Not only is this a breach of privacy, but is also used for censorship purposes on social media platforms such as Youtube. Videos exposing such topics are often deleted, or demonetized so that the producer cannot make any revenue from them.
The last issue I'll mention is 'terrorist attacks'. Almost all of these events are what we call 'False flags'. That means an attack or other event which is designed to manufacture a very specific public response and create a valid excuse for an extreme political move. Most famous of all was 9/11. Designed to give an excuse for the U.S. government to go into the middle east and gain control of a region which was trying to gain independence from the petrodollar. The Las Vegas shooting. This story is just full of holes as soon as stop listening to what the news tells you and so your own research.
If you read this whole article, thank you for taking the time. But I know what many of you are thinking. PROVE IT. Well, I'm not here to prove anything. I want to open these ideas up to you to give you some perspective on what our world truly looks like at the moment. You can go on YouTube, read articles on this page and ask your Higher Self to guide you through these truths.
The Annunaki Heirarchy of Control
"But how is this useful on a personal level? It doesn't affect my life." you may think. It really does. You just can't see it because you've been brainwashed into thinking that humans are flawed, greedy and power hungry creatures and that's just the way it is. But the truth is completely the opposite. We are beings of love. We are spiritual entities who are all connected on a fundamental level. Though we may seem separate from each other. WE ARE ONE.
My friends and family. People that whom I care about so deeply, a revolution is here, now. A Geo-political, economical, spiritual revolution which is changing everything we think we know, and the reason I have written this article is because I want you to be aware of it. No one can truly be ready for what is here now and what is coming, but at least having some idea of what is happening will help.
When we discover who we authentically are, we free ourselves from living someone else’s life. We each choose to come to planet earth full well knowing everything that is occurring here and we eagerly came, why? We came to heal ourselves and this planet through holding love in our hearts, no matter how dark or dire the thing we are encountering or facing.
Love and Light to us all