A Journey to Authenticity

[Written By: Gage Gorman

The agenda by those who want to control you is to have you in fear, unworthiness, depression, dependent on external sources, and educated the way they want you educated to obey, consume and divided.  

You can choose to look for love in everything.  If the message does not have a LOVING solution, then most likely the message’s intention is to deceive you. 

We are beings of love and Light and trust.  We have been manipulated and brainwashed for thousands of years, our history is mostly lies, our education is brainwashing, our media is control and programming, the government is an illusion of freedom, there is a ruling class on this planet and they have been ruling for thousands of years.  They know if they keep us fighting and divided that we will be too busy to notice or care that they are deceiving us.   This rabbit hole goes as deep as the farthest out there fiction movie or book you’ve ever seen.   Fiction is the best education you’ve ever received.  Fiction is more real than anything you’ve ever been led to believe is real.   

Think of virtual reality games or videos games in general.  If you were born into the virtual reality game and you’re parents were born into it and their parents were born into the virtual reality game, the how would you know you’re in a virtual reality game or as it is also called a simulated reality?   And you chose to come here during this time, space and reality and you chose to come eagerly.   There is a reason for this.  Want to go down the rabbit hole some more?

You can wake up from this simulation!  You have free will and as awesome as free will is, it is also being used against you, because you can only wake up from the simulation if you ask to and choose to.  This is why with all the uplifting sharing I would prefer to stick to, I also share disclosure and exposure, in order to create a glitch in your programming so you can question this simulation.   When you start to question the agents of the simulation, the ‘bad’ guys in the virtual reality game will show up.  They will try to convince you the simulation is real.  Again free will comes into play, it’s up to you to ask to see and feel the truth, this is why I love authenticity.  This is why I live and breath the vibration of authenticity.  And why I teach it, because the truth, literally, will set you free.   

And when you do wake up from the simulation, wow it’s liberating and amazing. And it’s a rabbit hole of an experience.  But you’ll start to experience things you’ve only seen in fiction movies and read about in fiction books.   Many around you will not understand, though this is changing, as many more are waking up from the simulation.    

You’ll go through periods of feeling lonely, though there are many small in person groups all over the world and many online groups for support and community.  You’ll have ups and downs.  You’ll get sucked back into the simulation from time to time by agents of the systems and you’ll have to use your free will to wake up again.  Though it gets easier and easier.   You’ll start to notice faster and faster when you’re being ‘attacked’ by the simulation and you’ll love the liberated and amazing feeling of being sovereign (free).   That weight on your shoulder will go away.   That gut feeling of something is off in you will go away, because you’ve discovered what was off and you used your free will to wake up.   

You’ll be eager to help others and this is great and it can also be frustrating because you love these other people so much and you want to help them, but they so consumed in the simulation that they fight you to defend the simulation because it’s all the believe they know, they are so consumed in the lower vibrations of fear, anger, depression, anxiety, unworthiness and sadness that the simulation is vibrating in control of them and thus they are linked and hard coded to the agents and the only way to free them is to love them the best you can and not to judge them.  Judgement is lower vibration and will amplify their lower vibrations.  We want to amplify love not lower vibrations.   This is why media and government try’s to amplify lower vibrations.  It keeps humans locked into the simulated world.   

You’ll also want to learn.  Now that you’re aware that most everything you’ve ever been taught to believe was education and history was most all lies, like 99% of it.   

Learning authentic information is much easier when you are clean of dark entities yourself.   Yes, those exist, remember that most fiction is real. When you work to clear dark entities; which are programmed artificial intelligence for the simulation that are inside of humans and work with the internal systems to aide the simulation; these can also be referred to as dark spirits, entities, or dark energy.   Love transforms anything.  I’ll say that again, pure love transforms anything.  You can work to clear your system of dark energies and transform them to love and Light.  Many benefits here, you’ll heal of sickness, you won’t get sick (unless you later attract a dark entity), and you’ll have more connection with your emotional guidance system.  

Our emotional guidance system allows us to feel authenticity, among many other authentic things in life, we can feel a lower vibration, feel it’s story and let it go or transform it, this is the intention of the lower vibrational feelings; not to hold onto them.   We can also feel the authentic bliss of Higher vibrational feelings and all their wonderfulness.  

Now you can learn and feel authenticity and lies while you learn.  This can seem overwhelming sometimes because you’ll notice that so much of what people talk about is not authentic and now you’ll feel it, so much education is not authentic, so much media (laughed when I wrote media - it’s a tool of misinformation) and government is mostly not authentic.  The amazing part is you know what is real, you get to expand your entire being, you feel your purpose here on earth, you are Authentic.  This can be a chance for the simulation to try and suck you back in and use your Ego to do so.  The Ego is programmed by the simulation to say hey, now that you know it all, you’re better than everyone else, you know everything, you don’t need to keep questioning or learning, you know it all.   This is the Ego trap of the simulation.  You’ll need to face your shadow self and love and balance your Ego.   The Ego has been inflamed and over stimulated in humanity for hundreds of years.   Humanity is so advanced!  Humanity is the only species in the universe!  This country is better than that country, my sports team is better than your sports team, my college is better than yours, my house is better than yours, my car is better than yours, I got first place, you get the point....Ego ego ego.  When you get the Ego back in balance then the simulation will lose that control over you.   

I believe wisdom and speaking and interactions with others in the simulation and those waking up from the simulation is another fun part of this journey.  Asking for wisdom of how to interact with others.  Now that you can see and feel authenticity and almost 90% of humans in simulations are living a lie, the challenge becomes how to interact with them lovingly, with no judgement do where they are, you stay authentic, and keep the peace and this is where divine wisdom comes into play.   I have found that asking our Higher Self for assistance with wisdom in interactions works great.   And while going through this process remembering to love yourself, have compassion for yourself when you judge them or argue with them and forgive yourself and love and forgive them, as they know not what they do nor do you, when we act outside of pure love.   Though we’re here to free our Souls from this simulation, which we built, by the way.  So when we forgive, we are really forgiving ourselves.  

The journey continues and continues and continues and it never ends because we and the universe are the same and are always expanding.   

Come and enjoy the journey.  I leave you with Love and Light.  ]

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