Shared by: Trevor McGrath
The third eye is said to be looking straight up, receiving light from the cosmos and when you connect it and fully harmonize it with the heart it rolls 90 degrees to face forward with the two physical eyes. Science and many seers and mystics are all agreeing that the poles will shift 90 degrees. The pressure on the forehead sensation you get when working with the third eye is felt due to the fact that you have magnetite in the brain. This is what causes birds to know where to migrate, it is all magnetic. Hmmm would be useful in times of natural disaster that the pole shift has been causing. I feel that the 90 degree shift of earth will cause the 90 degree shift of the third eye and we will have that heart/brain full connection that we lost causing humanity to "fall from grace". Imagine what it would mean for the third eye to be facing forward instead of up. Your perception of earth and the astral would be merged. No more veil. Scramble the letters of the word "veil" and no more "veil" means more "evil". Or no more vile. The realist would pop this balloon and say "Also means no more live." There's always "live" though. Death is more transformative than we tend to think.
Certainly not an ultimate ending, though an ending none the less. End of material illusion. You ever had the dream where you were free falling and woke up right before you hit the bottom? You ever think that that may symbolize humanity waking up right in the nick of time?
There's a method to the madness. Natural mechanism. Here's why I say that.
The solar flares and all around solar evolution melts the pole caps more and more. Might sound like the dawning of a flood or unbearable heat at some point, but here's some food for thought. The magnetic pole shift will alter the dimensional density. For the last few thousand years the majority of people have been 4D conscious while in 3rd density. Meaning they're aware of space-time (4D) and are at the lowest possible density you could be in while still having the full experience of free will. The 3D body type is at a lower vibration (lower doesn't mean worse) and couldn't assimilate the UV rays the sun is likely to kick out here in the near future. But the event that would fry us is the very event that would change our dimensional density to a higher frequency (faster atomic orbital rate) to where we don't get fried. Not saying everyone will be "enlightened" or into spirituality when that happens, but nature is incredibly intelligent and divinely timed. It'll push you to the very edge so you can evaluate how much you trust in divine order. It can make you realize if you feel entropy can overtake order/intelligence.
☯️ Only intelligence could orchestrate a plan, so it has a huge advantage over entropy. Entropy's advantage is that it doesn't know how to give a fuck. 🙂 So it can do whatever it wants with no restriction/order. ☯️ Both entropy and order dance to a rhythm, which is orderly in and of itself. Checkmate.
The illusion while free falling in the dream is that you will hit the bottom. It's so convincing, yet do you truly feel it in your heart? Trans-humanism, 5G, FEMA concentration camps filled, the life giving source in the sky killing us all... Sure, anything is possible. And these might seem like logical conclusions. But logic aside, do you feel in your heart of all hearts that nature will destroy herself? We are nature after all.
The magnetic field is the veil. The field is weakening, hence the veil weakening and deep truths being exposed left and right. This is the true definition of the word "apocalypse." Mass unveiling of truth. Sympathetic resonance is a law of the universe. As the old saying goes... "As within, so without. As above, so below." If the magnetic field flips 90 degrees, the your magnetic field will do the same, causing the third eye to roll 90 degrees facing horizontally instead of vertically, becoming aligned with the two eyes and integrating both forms of vision/reality so we have more of an ability to see through the veil (if we choose to use it). The pineal gland isn't facing upwards though, just the third eye (it's aetheric correspondent along with the thalamus and pituitary).
Say this causes the waking world to merge with the astral realm. Would this be "judgement day?" In the astral the lag-time between thought and manifestation is much shorter. If we don't "clean house" and correct negative mental patterns, this experience could leave some worse off than they were before. But those who clear their mind/karma by centering in the center instead of one brain hemisphere or the other will be better off than they were before. Free will allows us to correct our path and change the tuning dial if we choose. Not always easy but certainly worth it if we are projecting a reality of fear, anxiety, judgement, anger and violence. That's why this makes me think of judgement say. You are the one on "trial" and you are the one holding the gavel, unlike modern religious interpretations where some other being is lording over which path you take next and what your reality will be. It's all a matter of choice and truly nothing to fear. Never was. The world is a stage, and entropy alone can't orchestrate the theatrics.