[As the veil between our consciousness and subconsciousness continues to thin and allow for the universal flow of energy to flow stronger into each of us, we will feel more desire to connect more authentically with ourselves.
Many of us may not know what our authenticity is, because we have been living a life that we thought to be authentic, though, for most we have been told what to think, how to think, how to educate m, what to believe, when to believe it.
When we choose to step outside of our societal box that we have chosen to be in, because we believed that the options presented were the only options we had (have) to choose from, we will then be in a place and consciousness to allow our expansion into new and different states of consciousness.
We have been led to believe in a world of limitation, suffering, greed because there isn’t enough, false love, judgement, and us versus them.
We can choose instead to take a breath and allow our consciousness and heart to expand and allow for the great unknown to become known.
We each have a seed inside of us that is growing, like the tree of life. When we can connect with this seed and growing we will feel authentic to our journey here on earth.
There in an insatiable hunger in humanity and some get consumed by greed and their greed will never be satiated because enough will never be enough; though when we connect to love, love of self and others and we choose to allow ourselves to be different than the programmed “normal” then we allow for a more clear consciousness.
Through our allowing if something different to enter into our personal reality and we are open to this difference with love, compassion and forgiveness, we allow ourselves to be open to a truly satisfying, expanding and amazing experience here in earth.
I’ve found this world to be scary, greedy, mean, cruel, evil, exhausting, and pure hell at times. I find I connect with this world described when I am not feeling my loving Self. I find when I get caught up in fear, the not enoughness, and I lack motivation of true self, then I am caught up in the world of hate and evil. On the other hand, when I allow myself to see a loving, transcending, enlightening, and expanding world, I can easily see that the chaos that we are in, is the changing of the energies from dark to light.
What is dark to light? Darkness is the actions taken by a human for which they know not what they do, and they do do do do do with little awareness and presence or understanding at any deeper level. The human does because it’s what the human was programmed to do. Takes orders and questions nothing.
Light is when the human starts to feel deeper. The human knows what they are doing, why they are doing it, they are present and aware of the energy going through them and into what they are doing. The light sees all (or all that can been seen) and the light is a being (human-being) and through a quiet mind and loving heart is connected to all of the YOuniverse.
When one is connected to all of the universe and the veil between consciousness and subconsciousness is expanding and integrated one will be in bliss, in now, in being, in understanding.
The changes we are feeling is the dance of our souls journey through many lifetimes of dark and now we are bringing theses beliefs of lack and less than to the light to be transformed into plenty and abundance and love.
You are love ❤️
You are loved ❤️
Have a lovely day. Maybe do something random and nice for yourself and for another.
Share your light. Don’t be afraid to be light in a world of perceived darkness.
You may be the light that inspires another.
With Love Gage]