With divine in my heart. Peace in my mind. And abundance in flow, I share.....
Many are feeling suicidal, I have felt these waves too, breathe and journey through attachments. Ease through to connect to no attachments.
We can be in this now. We are in an energy now which is more harmoniously aligned to a loving sentient being (human). The energies we hold onto, especially grudges, will eat away at us now. Doing things for the money or “pushing” ourselves to work slaves, this is no longer in alignment.
Go inward. What do I want? If today was my last day here, what would I do?
Breathe more. Be in the doing of nothing more, when things do come to do, choose the things that feel fun, aligned, enjoyable.
Collective energies impact us. Know this, so you know all is not just yours, and being in solitude during this time (until jan/feb of 2021) will aide in this process to differentaite what is yours versus collective.
There is a wave of relief in the collective due to the media annoucement of president, this wave will shift soon to deep defeat and despair. This will be felt throughout the collective. Breathe. Feel divine. Send divine. Be compassionate.
The foundation of society and what each of us has held to be truth from our parents, teachers, television, government are a phoenix burning to non existence and rising from the ashes fresh and new.
Divine thyself
Compassion for thyself
Divine others
Compassion for others
Forgiveness for self and all others, until forgiveness is no longer necessary in your life.
I see you. I feel you.
You are divine. You are amazing. You are God.
You are a fractal of Source energy. You are important. You are worthy.
I appreciate you. I divine you.
Much Divine Gage