Greetings Society…. I break up with your programming. I see you.
Society, I forgive you, I surrender to your existence as a lesson and past memory. I hold no attachment to your existence. Society, it happened, I learned, I grew, I suffered, I loved, I joyed. I learned I do not want society in my life and experience. I release my past beliefs I have held to be truth and correctness of society.
I let go of the programming of society. I let go of the programming of “being professional”
I let go of the programming of “being a good kid”
I let go of the programming of “being supportive”
I let go of the programming of “working hard”
I let go of the programming that “life is hard”
I let go of the programming of “success”
I let go of the programming of “should”
I let go of the programming of “what is love”
I let go of the programming of “government”
I let go of the programming of “higher education”
I let go of the programming of “experts”
I let of the programming of “humor”
I forgive all others who have wronged or harmed me willingly or unwillingly. I forgive them all, as I know it was for me to learn and grow and the vibrations were aligned from many layers of quantum entanglement; for which human spoken and written language does not exists in a way to comprehend the layers to quantum entanglement - it is more of an experience to be observed from within the multi-dimensional experience of Self.
I ask for forgiveness from all who have experienced suffering from any and all actions of willingness and unwillingness, of myself. I ask forgiveness not for myself, as my quantum entanglements are attached to my judgements and grudges which I hold onto (my forgiving others or not needing to), I ask to bring awareness to any grudges of energy for which others may alchemize in forgiveness in order to have more space for love, within themselves. Any grudge directed at me from another harms the other, not me; thus asking them to forgive will heal them, should they allow it; this is why humbly and loving seeking forgiveness when one feels “wronged” can aide the other versions of me (or you or who am ? 🤔)
As I see we are all connected, it becomes easier to want the best alignment for all. I can see fully that is different for each being of experience. (Each person). I want each person to be authentically happy, to experience their most joy, it is the most pleasure to see and feel connection in all life forms to Self, their authentic self.
This means we may not agree on things. This also means we don’t have to interact with one another if we don’t want to or have any alignment to desire or need to.
Does “society” force us and manipulate or pressure us to interact with other beings that we do not align with?
“Society” programmed conformity, “safety”, “order”, “standardized tests” , “accredited education” , “medical standards” , license and permits to live? All of these societal pieces aim to steer us away from who and what we are or to help show us what we don’t want and thus we may appreciate our individual experience more thoroughly and in the now.
We can see this system, reject it and find balance in each of our authentic awareness of existence.
This starts on the inside, the breath is the light that guides me, to the darkness, to the ignorance, ego tries to stop me, I breathe and calm the ego, I say I love you ego self, soften and let’s explore together ego self, I question and question and I rest in the calmness of surrender to searching. I let go of the questions in flow, I know I am all and nothing and the answers are on the way, I know I need to be calm, in a loving vibration, then I receive the answers, then I connect with it all and in that all navigate effortlessly through all the lies, the weaves of quantum entanglement and see the unraveling occurring in the actions, reactions, thoughts, feelings, breath, and visualizations.