The truth we cannot see.... until we do

An essence is awakened from one time and space to another.

Life is ignited in consciousness of a different space in expansion in many directions.

Confusion sets in and deception is planted.

Trusted in those who guide in expansion to the embodiment of deception of another’s perceived reality. The bond of trust is broken in consciousness not yet able to see in expansion.

The essence of Life feels alone. The essence of Life goes inward.

The inward is homeward bound of a weaving of all that ever was and all that ever is going to be and all that is presence in this forever Now , to knowing the essence for which one holds as conscious, is the embodiment of Love in the I AM.

In the embodiment of Love, essence is able to be Home and be present in this consciousness of multiple homes at once. The loneliness of broken trusted bonds of parent to child are alleviated and elevated to a transmutation of love and inner-standing (an authentic understanding).

The essence sees again. A seeing not of the eyes and the lenses of eyes; this seeing is inside and outside and from all space and time and all that is.

The bonds of trust, no longer broken, healed in the inner vision of aligned authentic Self, the flow of alignment in expansion once again flowing harmoniously, becomes a soothing energy of existence.

Full of pure consciousness and clarity, in a flow of bliss. The Remembrance flows in, like a tidal wave that calms at your feet.

The Remembrance of who, what and why in the great I AM sets in. The anchoring of essence and inner-standing brings peace from deception in this perceived reality of one of the many homes for which this essence exists in the I AM.

Seen you are. Loved you are. Important you are. God you are. Loving you are. Perfection you are.

Much Love,