Doing research analyst work for many years, I took to using my skills after the 2016 election to research history, governments, corporate policies, and I learned a lot. One of the many things I learned is the information shared in summaries, opinions, and cliff notes is most always twisted for an agenda of some sort of suppression and control. I also have found the soulutions do exist written in law, code, policy, maritime law, common law, uniform commercial code, supreme court rulings, congressional bills, fbi vault, cia documents, white house executive orders. It’s all right there, it did require my own reading, looking up words, and much patience, love, and forgiveness.
Our planet provides more than we need. Those who like control and suppression try to control resources and information in order to control humanity into beLIEving scarcity. Scarcity is created by the same entities and handlers behind politicians and public figures and they have a sellable product for you.
We have lived out of balance and under tyrant control. As I allowed my Ego to dissolve into a oneness, then further into knowing it is not black and white only, it is a prism of all (it being existence) and to bring Ego in balance to work through my thoughts of my education and good job to allow myself to see the truth. While on that journey, I could find balance was my being and knowing along the journey.
I have experienced that as I go within to quiet my busy mind - which in the past would be consumed with many fast thoughts and influences. To soothe my aching heart - which could feel all the deceit, survival of the fittest, the gossip, the complainers, the unhealthy, the desperate, the fake friends, the political colleagues, the competitors and bring a balanced love, compassion and kindness to my heart and I learned to be in communication with my physical body as I was taught to poison and harm my body, by the same entities who I used to believe had authority over me and knew more than me, so I ate their poisoned food, drank their poisoned water, consumed the poisoned they marketed as medicine, until I learned and changed and tuned in.
I tuned into the abundant world of authentic me. This authentic me, is in continuous transformation to a deeper alignment of Self. I am grateful to have experienced this life and I am most grateful to know and see the authenticity I see and know as of now and grateful to be empowered from my divine self to navigate through the deceptions of:
political “correctness”
human rights movements
gratitude to abundance, joy, love, authenticity, knowledge and wisdom.
We are all amazing, unique, abundance and self empowering.
:Gage-Robert: Gorman.