In a world of oversight by a perceived authority who lost their love, engulf the weak slave minds of many into numbness of existence and addicts of adrenaline.
Many experience their existence through a multitude of thoughts, emotions and actions which in the conscious mind appear “normal” and in the sub-conscious mind create havoc, destruction and disfunction.
What is “normal”
Those who breathe and can feel and see with the inner eye of wisdom the correctness for me aka Self, can navigate through this valley of the shadow of death and fear no evil, for me is the light that shines bright and shares the abundance and extra light.
There are persons who exist who stole life force from persons and leave most persons depleted.
A person can become a people and see through the deception and grow into sovereignty.
The clarity comes when the me’s of person to people clean the energy to be clear of existence in the forever present now “time”.
Read the ingredient of the injections.
Read the ingredient of the food.
Be the authority of your vessel aka body.
Why do I call the body a vessel?
Because the body is a vessel of transport for the non physical spirit of what I am, what you are, what we are.
Others outside of me and you want to control my and your existence and feed on my and your existence to sustain their low vibrational existence at a high vibrational experience stolen from me and you.
Every time “they” steal our energy, we give them our full explicit permission.
How? Do I and you “pay attention” to what we are thinking and saying?
Where do our patterns of thought of self, society, cultural norms come from? Who is influencing the education and indoctrination and programming of humanity / persons / people.
Look up the definition of the words used.
Look up etymology of words.
Syntax the words.
Look at the latin origin of the words.
Want the authority in my life, in your life, then breathe, clean the body, clean the mind and activate the spirit. How? Take out the garbage — and most everything that “society” has been is garbage in a blissful existence of authority. What existed was a system of fear based imprisonment because that is what we continueally manifested from our societal norms.
Letting go of tradition. Look into the origins. Like Santa claus, krampus. Ying and yang. One takes a child for sacrifice to moloch and the other gives the other children and parents a gift in exchange for the child sacrifice. So many missing children in the past, where did they go? Similar places they went, like the cow meat many ate. Tortured for adrenochrome and giving of energy to moloch and eaten and placed in much of the food supply. McDonalds - billions served.
All of this agreed to by me and you. Conscious mind was controlled and numbed to get humanity to play in the dark and be in the dark. Humanity also
chose and created this simulation, so we’re not victims. We are waking up to our own creation - so judge is not - though clean it up - unless you are blissful and happy with the way existence is for you.
I chose and continue to choose to see authentically and being in correctness of self and my own authority. This has meant letting go of my beliefs multiple times, this has meant loving more, this has meant the biggest test of my ability to be kind with others who are unkind, not always successful, and quickly correct to kindness when I find I am not being kind. This has meant many of my friends to stop engaging with me, me losing interest in engaging with former friends, me always being open to former friends aligning to their divine at any now time and being in realignment in friendship. This has meant letting go of appeared comforts in life and later finding those comforts were not comforts they were rather my unknowingly giving my authority away for perceived comforts, conveniences and safety. “Perceived”. When I peeled my addictions to society, education, fitting in, being a good “citizen” of social conditioning, and my perceived societal self - I created a space for the authentic me to flow through and shine.
For me it didnt happen once, it happened thousands of times and the transformations and realizations of existence of who, what, where, when and why continues to evolve and I evolve in my ability to comprehend without shock and disgrace and to evolve with grace and love in the now time and deepen my inner-standing and knowing of existence.
Much love
:Gage-Robert: Gorman. The energy wizard 🧙♂️