Road to self Divinity and authenticity of happiness For others

Happy for others? Or jealous or envious of others? I had noticed, in my past, that others could pretend to want happiness for me. They may verbally or in actions support my happiness. I have telepathically and vibrationally been able to know that many felt horrible when things went happily for others. Their ‘appeared to be’ a scarcity belief that happiness was in rare supply and if I/you had/have happiness there may not be enough for you/them/I too. I have felt and seen vibrations of influence flow to me to be upset for someone else’s happiness (or success) and would alchemize to joy and support for that someone else’s happiness for them authentically. Numerous default programs of fear based vibrations attempt to persuade the human mind to keep other humans in low fear based vibrations and to want to see them in a group of suffering. Happiness can be perceived as an antagonist (enemy) to fear based limited conscious beings. Compassion for self and allowing light to infuse through the jealousy of another’s happiness and alchemize to authentic joy and happiness and consciousness for all.

I often times, in past timelines, would be smaller than I was, I would pretend to not know something to fit in and be less than myself because I had a perception and I felt that it was unsafe to be in joy or happy or to know how to end misery and suffering. I felt this unsafeness as I was able to feel the vibrations emanating from other people and beings and, to me, it was papal-able and I consciously was able to translate and know their destain for happiness. A being with a loving soul in their field, yet, consumed in dark density of fear, scarcity, and desperation for approval and lost in a mental haze of delusion and seeking to know self in a multi-dimensional multi-verse for which they are swimming in, what appears to be a cycle of life and death - an illusion.

I have known in past timelines from beings who acted supportive, especially when times were low, to be authentically upset, jealous and hateful inside for my joy, success, happiness. I have observed in peace and neutrality the clever manipulation in my brain-mind-body and in other’s brain-mind-body play out sub-consciously and portions of consciousness fear based scenarios of creation in blind ignorance to what is authentically occurring because of a limited perspective of consciousness and of what is perceived as reality. Please do know there is zero judgement in my sharings here, meaning I consciously write here with divine. I perceive and do own that judgemental vibrations may interact with my being of existence, I am of the knowing to see it, be it, own it as my own (3 fingers pointing back at me when and if I were to point a finger) and to alchemize into my being the infusion of light and to reprogram into a teaching of knowing, in divinely (always is divinely).

Divine thyself

Compassion for thyself

Forgive thyself- when necessary.

Divine others

Compassion for others

Forgive others - when necessary.