Matrix Dual

A being I know of, shared this writing. I felt the [in]spiration to share too. To know thyself.

Matrix Dual

Welcome to the matrix. Keep your frequency high, don't be fooled by the mirage and surface appearances of familiarity. We are all very different entities merged into what appears to be the same paradigm of rules and regulations due to synchronized programming/hypnosis. The reality is we are all projecting into this hologram dimension from our very own eternal sources/vortex. I love interacting with all who have a loving frequency and fascinating abilities to share and merge. I have come across all types of entities that had vital information to eternally exchange with mine. We are here to upgrade our abilities as entities that go through metamorphosis.

The ones who are plugged into the matrix are divided into a vast variety of bondage and suppression. Even many of the "awakened" ones have to be fed a coddling programming so they won't be in panic mode. Those who observe the whole matrix and are awakened as eternal have to navigate through the shadows making sure not to cause a glitch in peoples repetitive pattern trance rituals. If people feel a glitch or unfamiliar frequency they will eventually single you out as a "disturbance" to the I'm not so sure if the majority at this point could even handle being unplugged because they have become so addicted to the chaos. Most of society is being pacified just enough to for them to keep fueling their own insanity while still feeling the VOID. The void is ones own eternal source letting you know the mirage is not real. Wake up!

"The Matrix is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth." -Morpheus

As long as the matrix exists, the human race will never be free.

The Matrix is described by Morpheus as "a prison for your mind." It is a dependent "construct" made up of the interlocking digital projections of billions of human beings who are unaware of the illusory nature of the reality in which they live and are completely dependent on the hardware attached to their real bodies and the elaborate software programs created by AI. This "construct" resembles the Buddhist idea of samsara, which teaches that the world in which we live our daily lives is constructed only from the sensory projections formulated from our own desires.

The duality between The Matrix and the reality beyond it sets up the ultimate goal of the rebels, which is to free all minds from The Matrix and allow humans to live out their lives in the real world beyond.

I resonated with this sharing at the time of the now space of resonances with the cognition of now.
