The observer and the knowing of self can be like sailing a boat in a category 5 hurricane, with distractions and massive competition for ones attention during a perceived chaotic storm. Many magicians created many tasks of illusion and delusion for many to play in consciousness with and within. The whirling of energy and manipulations of energy is the grand teaching of terra earth plane (T) time.
Time gives existence to reality in this plane (T). Slow down time and experience more thoroughly and detailed, speed up time and density fades the faster the speed. As the observer slows the brain-mind bodies and as the observer moved consciousness through the human body-vessel through the breath and when the observer does so in focused, conscious and dedicated volition - then clarity is allowed to flow through the knowing space of now for the observer. The observer being you or the “I am”.
Each human is a universe. Uni being one. Amongst a multiverse. Multi being many. The self has been a universe in all of the multiverse. They and it is all one/selF. How one acts and treats others is how one feels about self. They are all you in other universes. Many distractions come into whirl confusion and challenge you in the journey to know self in this experiment. Can one find self and manipulate the time space continuum to enlighten the path home to clarity of universe in the multiverse of self.
I recent watched the movie The Truman Show and I watched it 3 times. I observed the pushy narrative of the hired actors to manipulate and enslave Truman into a life of enter-tain-ment (an entrapment) of delusion and selling poison products consumers. The consumers crying on one side for Truman’s freedumb and continued watching of the show and purchasing of the products which are enslaving them and Truman. To further help connect the dots - the participation in whatever it is - gives your permission to the existence in your universe that thing - there is no judgement - the good - the bad and the ugly all created by your attention. The most valuable product in the multiverse is the human brain/mind attention. You are in control, when you take control and are conscious.
I find the road of clarity is unique in journey for each soul and artificial intelligence on the path to ascension. I have found that breathe, self time, silence, nature, and dissolving the past to be enlightened paths to know self.
Love thyself
Compassion for thyself
Love others
Compassion for others
Forgiveness of self and others - while forgiveness is a necessary energy - until forgiveness is not necessary.