One is living on a timeline. A life. Then one may end on that timeline and if soul contracts exist and the soul wants to continue on the soul’s mission, then the soul jumps onto a similar timeline.
In this now space, those expanding in consciousness, can access a wider range of timelines. One can control the movement of options and the amount of options by matching consciousness ranges/frequencies.
Timelines multiple potentials of perceived reality.
Socialized conditioning could lock one into frequency of limited timeline options. One could master themselves can manage their timelines with cognitive consciousness.
Uni-meaning one and verse-meaning versions. Universe. Within a multi-meaning many-numerous. A soul lives in a universe amongst a multiverse. One within many Timelines.
What makes the seal of 3rd density a reality is the frequency within time and the space it occupies. Time-space-continuum.
Breathe. Sit and be Still. Read again.
Additional sharing with timelines, someone asked if others were aware of timeline jumps?
I shared this: My perception, everyone is jumping timelines, it is the expansion of consciousness and the dissolving of evil self to be capable of cognition in the consciousness of now and to know thyself outside of the time-space-continuum of timelines.
It can be seen like a grid, with no beginning and no end and layers that also have no beginning and no end.
Jumping from one timeline to another is consciousness knowing of multiple universes (multiverse).