Emotional manipulation to influence the mind is evil.
Humanity had a past where it was taught that emotional manipulation was a societal normal. It is not normal and it enslaved the ones doing and playing into perpetual slavery of the emotions.
One will experience all manipulations cast out, in return to self and amplified the more it is ignored or ignorantly fed into. One will see all they have done and in wanting to bring love and balance can be guided by self on how and when to do so.
Go within, find stillness and silence and see Self and surrender in love of self.
Blaming and sitting in victimhood delays the process and adds more to the process. Yes, there were influences, though we engaged and played and the bill is due.
I love all of life in this planet. I love humanity and humanities creations, it is all God. Humanity was influenced by an archonic energy which was not grown yet to be ready for mingling amongst other species. Naive and eager humans playing with power they did not comprehend invited in an energy not yet mature to experience this planet. This energy infected the minds and then bodies of humanity in this planet. These energy consumed the minds and bodies of humanity at rotted the system from the inside out.
These beings, part of us, influence the manipulations. Know them, the archons, love them and have them return to light and love. In the silence and stillness is love in plenty.
Numerous articles and blogs to assist through this process on this website.
Namaste and Love