[Free stuff is never free. Energy is everything - usually if the exchange is not known, it is your life force. Free stuff is not free. Government has been evil for a long time. Enslaving the population and good hearted people delusional into employment and servitude to slavery and slave management - they play with language and indoctrinated in education camps (school) memorizing zombies (no insult - it is the truth), of information and nonsense language to become conformity slaves racing in hurry to each carefully planned and orchestrated distraction from an authentic life.
Free candy - loaded with sugar and poisons. Processed sugar, the kind in candy is poison itself. Given to children as rewards for doing as they are told. Baby formula had sugar. Baby food had sugar. Put in front a TV and sugar and there we have a controlled conforming future slave. Do as told and get reward. Then the candy was switched and changed and keeps one on their toes. Constant change to keep busy and unable to have time to connect to one’s own divine.
How many are just trying to make ends meet? How many are working one, two, three jobs and running businesses to make it? How many made money to have the IRS subjectively take it? They change the rules how they please and leave much up to interpretation by the IRS. How many made money to then learn you need an army of lawyers to protect from the vulturous system of control?
It is possible to have a lovely life. In this now space all evil is being exposed and shown. We have lived through a time where we all were led to beLIEve many lies and we were taught the evil was good and even loving. What we were taught was massive lies by very evil beings who through free stuff and drugs and poisons presented as free gifts led the sheep to slaughter.
The deeper we go in all of this, the more we can know these are all versions of ourself, so do be careful and kind when expelling our demons internally and externally because through time - I am or you are the good, the bad and the ugly or in other words - love and evil. You are the enslaved now because you enslaved others, you and I are here because we needed to experience being slaves, so we could know.
Until we comprehend energy, the balance of energy and how and when to engage with another, we will continue to have experiences that match our authentic learning energy. If it is happening to me — why god self and show me my schooling is a good self talk to be open to see clearly.
I have come to know in my experience.
If it is free - I do not want it or anything to do with it.
If it government sponsored - It is most likely evil.
If it has a commercial - it is most likely evil.
If there is a celebrity talking head - it is most likely evil.
If it is considered proper society - it is most likely evil.
energy is always in movement in exchange. If one does not see it, that one is blind in a world (whirled) of demons that can see energy. Each human with a soul has god powers, but not if they do not comprehend the basics of energy. The mythological gods (they are real) many of you are reincarnated gods and you are, we are, balancing the energies we played in and we let in powers from other dimensions not meant to be here and it became a mess, which we are cleaning now.
The journey home is of peace, love and neutrality.
Love thyself
Compassion for thyself
Forgive thyself
Love others
Compassion for others
Forgiven them all.
Namaste and Love,