I’ll start with an inspired sharing by Kabamur. Sharing by Kab, I did alter, edit and add to, so consider Kab an inspired flow to this. - check comments for more….
Ascension isn't a rescue mission, it's graduation from a centuries-long discernment test.
Some will advance, some will repeat.
Neither an omnipotent "God" nor Angels of Light are trying to save us. We save ourselves by not being evil. Humans are only victims of self-destructive beliefs and have always had much more power than they realize. Society was a creation by evil to gradually normalize evil. As one graduates from evil and saves one’s self, ascension and shift will be at hand.
Pleiadians say that people will literally disappear and the generations alive now will be the ones to experience it.
My perception: I choose to ascend and I have been on that path. Each path is unique. I choose to merge my ascension with two other souls. (Some will ascend solo, some will ascend merged aka with others aka gotta process their stuff too and they have to process yours). I came to know that society, in my cognition of it, was the antagonist of the story and the challenge to master, overcome, rise from the bottom of. Society was the mastery of evil.
I also know that this experience we have had, was many differing classrooms, studies, and masteries of unique and wonderful energies from many angles and perspectives of the multi-verse of realities. An example is, not everyone is ascending, and I feel many have thought the idea of ascension was lovely and maybe an escape from ones misery; though the exact opposite of that is thee truth, thee truth… ascension is a miserable, painful, gut beating, lonely, sad, frustrating, exhausting process from my perspective. I have also found that the ascension process is a liberating, enlightening, wise, easeful, clarity of cognition, peaceful, graceful, authentic love connection and adventurous process. Unfortunately, the order in which I shared my perspective is the order in which it happens, this is where faith comes in. Faith that the leap into misery and pain and fucking crazy looney toons time in the mind and body and spirit as unlimited consciousness sets in and you have to see all the evil stuff you did and own it, own it all, all the evil and pay the bill and feel it, master it, know it, hear it’s story, love it, embrace it, forgive it, forgive yourself. Let go of the fear of anything. Faith leap further and know, you are God and you are love and you are ready to return to love now.
At times it may not seem fair, as if one was dealt a shitty hand in life and bad circumstances just happen to me because of this. Society taught me this was good, my mom and dad taught me this was good. The perceived authorities told me and created laws that told me this was good. What is “this”, this is society, the lies, the structure, the system - the traditions, the values, the beLIEfs, the limitations. Again, the ignorant part we each created, accepted, played in - we also get to lovingly balance what was created by feeling it, knowing it, breathing it through our body and mind and spirit wisdom gained and expanded. Ease, love, peace, wisdom.
As part of ascension one dissolves people, places, things, events, stories, attachments, expectations.
As I mentioned not all are ascending. Many classrooms on terra earth. After the shift of those leaving terra earth, those who did not ascend and shift, will shift from the ripple of the first ascension shift, into an upgrade terra earth which does not contain evil or the memory of evil - this is why memories are fading of evil (unless your still process your unresolved evil - then that shit is right in your face “right-now” for you to process and be done with it).
May peace be with you.
Namaste and Love