Planet Enslaved and the Door is Open to Divinity and God

Once upon a time, slavery was all a planet knew and they called it society and GOD’s will, God does not enslave, GOD does enslave.


When one’s experience ends, hope that job, promotion, lying sales pitch, back stabbing, gossiping, “marketing” aka emotional manipulation - it was what was wanted. The bill always comes due - by the way. Cheat someone, you will forever have energy chasing you to cheat you. Divine someone and divine will chase you.

Giving power away to known liars, cheats and murderers every two years can feel like insanity and a massive stockholm-syndromed slave-mind. They eat children alive for sport, and laugh about it. Where do all the missing children go? In the meat.

Bigger corporations are not better. Corporations are dead entities. They warship a death cult. All capital letters are dead Go to a graveyard and look at the graves. Including your name on government corporate documents.

Ignorance is not bliss. Ignorance keeps one enslaved.

Sugar is known poison and is society is considered a reward to a child for good behavior - in society. Is this evil seen? Telling a child of santa (satan) and lying to the child and teaching a child not to lie at the same time.

How does one see? Allow self surrender. Allow divine in. Breathe. Eat clean. Monk-life, get a coach (not offering), let go of the idea of being saved, take responsibility for what you have done - even though you may have thought at the time it was “good” - take responsibility and do not expect anyone to do the process for you.


WCA - 35 minute audio file in class folder to go with this writing.