The Body aka Vessel and Ownership

The body aka vessel, is a docking station for non-physical energy. Your soul is non-physical energy that has the claim for the body. The soul is birthed (ship berthed) into the physical body (vessel) through the doctor (docking).

In the past, when birthed a certificate of birth is issued and immediately locked in the state corporation as the owner of the body/vessel. John Doe versus JOHN DOE. One is a living man and the other is a corporate entity.

There is a conflict, competition for claim of the body and the human experience. There is a possibility to claim the body, this happens through your authentic will to do so and then to carry out in the physical world actions that match to a living God in the human experience.

Each human is a fractal of God, you are God, God is inside of you.

No one is going to do this for you. You have a choice. Embrace this school and grow and learn in this advanced school (Earth) or be in a flow through the wave of suffering and fade out of the earth experience and allow the body to be owned and controlled by the shareholders of your all CAPs corporate entity and the soul return to source consciousness and be finished with Earth.

It is helpful to be able to identify the human bodies for which you communicate of whether they are soul human or transhuman (transhuman, being a human with no soul who is controlled from a centralized AI which has convinced humanity to give away it's power to it's system (government, economy, medical, law/legal, education, food supply) etc. ).

The body one interacted with last month could now contain a complete different non physical energy inside of it. This is helpful to know so one does not go insane trying to connect the dots, when there may be no dots to connect.

Knowing what is happening, working through our victimhood to evolve into the strength that was gained from the experience - this is a school, for which you designed your entire experience to test yourself of how you would "RE-ACT" - so you set forth enslavement for yourself to learn to stand strong when it appears bleak.

- shared with love, if this information scared you or caused your breath to go away, let it go, this is not meant for you. If this message empowers you to live, to expand, to love - this message is for you.

With Love