Bless their hearts, minds and body.
Numerous beings on different missions in a similar place.
Earth and life like a train station, many different arrivals from many different places and many different destinations to many different places.
The masses are computer programs in advanced mode to be antagonists of self mastery. Following as the masses do is stagnation of self discovery and initiation and participation into ones own self imprisonment and the practice of self slavery to false Gods. This could be the diving into the thick of it, that you wanted and when ready, one can choose to dissolve the attachment, addiction and need for validation from that which is external of God self and know the grace of God in self through peace, love, and silence.
The truth is so far from the narrative that most would die immediately from shock if all the truth was revealed to them- meditation, monk-life and self mind control are necessary tools to handle the truth about self, life and existence.
In all of time, the best time is Now. You lived through this nonsense to be right here, right now. Numerous beings having giving their lives for you to be here now.
Stop whining and take your power. No ego. Dissolve the ego for it is the antagonist of your story - to show you what you do not want. The ego is limited, necessary to have a limited and controlled experience. Time to dissolve and connect to divine spirit of God self.