Nugget sharing

A Nugget post.  I provide nuggets of clues to be much further researched by you….

This is for those ready to not be a slave anymore.

the United States of America

The United States of America

the United States

The United States

Incorporated and not incorporated?





Language is key.  Truth in older dictionary, etymology, and blacks law dictionary’s.  Learn latin.  Newer the language more evil and voodoo black magic it is.

Are you a US citizen?  My answer is No, I know what it means.  I am a living man with a soul.  What jurisdiction do I navigate in?  Common Law and Gods law, I know what that means.   

This does not work in use, until someone embodies this knowing.   Actions with ignorance lead mostly to jail time and being tortured by the system and losing money and life force.   

Learn, discern, love, and play not in their torture games.

If the masses are doing it, it is not good for you.    If it has a commercial it is not good for you.  If government endorses it, it is not good for you.   

Stepping into ones own power, does not come with an instruction booklet from the government that has enjoyed feeding on your lifeforce and enslaving you to do as your told for said government to exist, said government’s fuel is human living man lifeforce.  When the energy feed stops, evil will no longer exist.

This is a big arena to learn.  This is a small nugget to inspire much more study.

I find it can be daunting on this journey and feel overwhelming.  This is why a clean body, a clean mind and pure spirit is also necessary.   Monklife, meditation, oming, mentoring, study, small group study, etc….   These can help to bring balance.

Dark to Light

Shedding the armor of war and lies and deceit into peace, love and wisdom.  The bridge from one place to the other is loaded with landmines and missiles and many salesmen selling snake oil cures that deepen the black magic of illusion of reality.

Authenticity of self
