The system is rigged against you By You. Why? You designed it that way. What? Yes…..

The system is rigged against you. Why? You designed it that way. What? Yes.

What is the system? Government, laws, structure, limitation, control.

How does one get from where I am to understanding why I created it this way? Own everything in your life energetically. Stop blaming anyone outside of you for your emotions. Your emotions have been out of your control and knowing - you can gain control Now! You do have to “feel” all the authenticity of what you had done and caused and you’ll feel it nicely the less judgement you have with self and others. Knowing too, that others are for which one holds judgement, for the judgement is ego blocking authentic reflection of self.

Do you and I have to live in the system? No. There are options in infinite existence. What is infinite existence? The all and the nothing; the void; the knowing of multiple timelines existing at the same time. The more one sees, the more is easier to make changes away from limitation addictive programs of the system.

Military, government officials, government employees, corporations, corporate employees, lawyers, doctors, nurses, in-authentic sales,

Evil was normalized and made to look loving. Christmas, holidays, baby formula, circumcision, tv, schooling, food, stress, money, politics, relationships, healthcare….It is helpful to know this and dive into this if one is interested in leaving the dark web of suffering and insatiable seeking to know thyself while stuck in a sticky web of lies, deceit, trickery, addictions, and distractions.

Seek more than anything to know authentic love and self. Give up, dissolve, let go of the past, the past addictions and attachments, let go of the future too, let go of it. Be in the now space. Let go of all the propaganda of a better life, a hero coming to save you - from what? You, creating your own misery? Nothing to be saved from - it is about holding self accountable for selves own actions and thoughts and education. Unlearn the nonsense and dive into self.


In this school, I perceive most language and education as lies and indoctrination. A system to learn to discern. Where the best soul mates are the biggest antagonists to challenge self to know thyself in the depths of lies, deceit, despair, and enormous fear. A system called society, birthed in the death realms of evil and fear, a black magic of a mirror dimensions of a reality locked into a subconscious mind field and propaganda’ed into normal societal acceptance and enforcement by those not yet awake in life.

Most of the perceived system of humans and people and animals are systems made by you, before you wiped your memory to be in the system.

Go within to remember, go within to know thyself. Go within. Silence the inner mind. No to chaos, do not allow it inside.

Shared with love