Gage’s Play of Consciousness

My perspective:

I am transcending the old matrix.   I am ascending my physical body into non-physical.   I am descending my body into physical.  I am the balance in this now space.    I am a world-bridger.

As my consciousness remembers in expansion and contraction I feel pain and transformations in the physical, the pain can be agonizing at times and then I breathe, I bring lax to my body and vessel, I surrender into the pain of what is occurring and I exhale all the tension.   I surrender to my God self.  Show me, I say to myself, I AM.  I am Love, I am strength, I am knowing, I am healed, I  am loving in all that I do - show me.  I breathe and ease.    I feel tension in my muscles, the more I OM the more the tension is, I breathe and OM, the tension is less, tension continue to lesson as I breathe and OM into the places of pain and tension.   

The tensions allowing for deeper integrations of expansive energies, when laxation aka [re]lax is allowed.  

I feel the old patterns coming through me from the cosmic waves of timelines igniting these old patterns.  I allow them to pass through finding no home to stay, I observe these old patterns, friendships, jobs, relationships, habits, reality and I dance with the wolves of light and dark in my vessel, reacting to the flow of consciousness and the expansion occurring in the universe inside of me.   

An example, I can feel my circumcision and shock and pain in my muscles, my neck, my jaw, my brain.   I can feel and see the neuropathways in my brain and how it was impacted throughout my life.   I can play my consciousness like a movie with pause, fwd, rwd, etc.  and in here I am writing my story and dissolving the old patterns.  

On the physical, at times my brain feels as though it is being pulled from all directions, my heart field is expanding so much that I can hear the smallest capillaries passing blood.  

As I feel the laxation return to my vegas nerve and numerous other muscles, nerves and circuitry - I feel more conscious, alert yet at ease, I can feel an energy flowing through me, it is of a feel of peace, this energy can be confusing as I notice more areas of my brain and mind are working, I am processing things with much ease, I have zero interest in inauthenticity, manipulations, and non-sense language usage.  I can feel, see, hear as clear as ever.  I know the words and their true meaning without memorizing a dictionary or etymology.  I hear charlie brown gibberish from those who know not their words.    I have no interest in [en]gagement.  

I am love.  I am knowing.  I am worthy.   I am wealth.   I am health.  

I came to [ad]venture  I came alchemize

As I breathe, OM, lax - I also feel my resonation in the I am statements.   I OM in the I Am statements.    I dissolve my alter ego and flow into a being of my grace of my loving divine self.  

I can feel zero point on a more regular basis.   It has allowed much calm and clarity for me to be of my observation and experience.  

I am of the joy to be in my [ad]venture.   I can see.   I can feel.  

A play of consciousness at this cross roads of space and time and shared of this plane.  

