Flow with Gage-The-Energy-Wizard September 26th 2021


The burning of the phoenix, Fire 🔥

The flood of emotions and renewing, water 💧

As the wind blows, air 🌬

And the Earth is anew, earth 🌏

We journeyed through the burnt forest from Mt Shasta to Crater Lake to sit and be with nature and our energies. We listened to Ramtha CDs and I (Gage) did the rezzamax during our drive up to Crater Lake. When we arrived the park was barely inhabited by other humans and we enjoyed our time to sit and take in the grandeur of it all. We could feel the timelines shifting and could see through the veil to multiple dimensions and times. It was a lot to take in, on many levels. There were layers to the experience.

(More in-depth sharings explored in the Wizards Club)

Some related articles we found in inspiration to our journey and astral exploration of truth during and after:

